Thursday, March 6, 2014

When I am afraid of losing my faith

  2013-10-12 18:45    

Everyone in Christ can say that he or she is a chosen person by God. 

Of course, no one can see the future.  God does not want us to know what next will happen.  It is about today.  We have to focus on today. 

God wants us to know that God is with us all the way, all the way.  God wants us to know that there is a final judgment. 

Of course, everyone will fall from his or her faith sometimes.  The point is that God is faithful and God will bring us back. 

Being chosen is a passive action.  We do not choose God.  It is God who make such a choice between him and you or me. 

How do I know I am chosen?  I respond to the gospel, I confess my sins, I decide to follow Jesus, and so on.  However, no one is perfect.  If one says he or she does not sin, he or she is a liar, or God is.  

After being chosen, we have a new life course.  It is to be used by God, be shaped by God, and be sent by God. You are unique.  Everyone is unique.  No one has the same life path as others have.  Paul is an apostle to the Gentiles, but Peter is an apostle to the Jews.

If you stay in God, God will show His glory to you, by you, on you.  You may not like His decisions, but He is good in the end.

To love God is to obey God in His way. Many people decide the ways to love God.  Human ways sound great to human beings, but the ways and thoughts of God are different from human's.  God is holy, and so God is different. Go to ask God why He prefer so-and-so way. 

Whenever there is a conflict between God and human, who is right, or who wins?  The history shows that human is wrong.  Kingdoms rose and fell.  Human has a key problem, lack of eternity. Human-made models and theories need to be revised along the time, but God's word stays, God's churches stay.  Churches may go astray, but they will return to God's word.  They admitted that they had not followed and they failed. 

They said democracy began two thousand years ago.  Human system can last for a long time.  No, it is wrong.  Two thousand years ago it was a democracy for citizens, 1/6 of population. It was a democracy established over slavery.  

It looked great in the beginning, but it turn worse during process, and messy in the end.  This is a description of a real world.  I love those great people.  I admire their respect for God, but if they do not agree with God, even on only one thing, they will take the whole world to misery, beyond what they had ever thought. 

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