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Tom Hsu
November 16, 2013
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Tom Hsu 预定论,原本要拒绝教会权势,要人感恩报恩,但是末了变成懒人窝,空谈恩典。自由意志论,原本要为神的窘境解套,人认罪羞愧,但是末了变成行为主义,善行代表一切。
November 16, 2013 at 9:13am · Like

Tom Hsu 因信称义,一切问题的源头都是罪,一切答案的枢纽在于信。因为信,所以追求。因为信,所以等待。未来是不可知的美好,苦难是善恶间的分界。
November 16, 2013 at 9:19am · Like · 1

Tom Hsu
November 16, 2013
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Tom Hsu 加尔文派强调神的主权,无知的罪人没资格审判神的决定。阿米年派强调人的罪性,罪人使用自由意志在犯罪,咎由自取,不能怪罪于神。
November 16, 2013 at 8:03am · Like

Tom Hsu 加尔文派强调预定论,凡事都是神所预定,神自由决定是否拣选某个罪人,不在于罪人的行善,不在于罪人的悖逆(拣选就暗示:强制拯救。重生决定于神的意念。)。阿米年派强调自由意志,即使得救了,也可能失去救恩;个人的信心和行为会改变自己的救恩。
November 16, 2013 at 8:04am · Like

Tom Hsu 加尔文派说,人全然堕落,没有寻求神的人。神不按照人身上的条件在拣选人,而是随着自己的心意拣选。基督只为少数人死,甚至只为不属于世界的门徒祷告。神要救谁,谁就必然得救,无法拒绝。神要救谁,必然救他救到底;神是熟练的陶匠,我们是神手上的陶土,必然做成他要的器皿。
November 16, 2013 at 8:31am · Like

Tom Hsu 阿米年派说,人没有完全败坏,因为人还会行善,有恻隐之心。神是按照人的信心来救人,人信则神救,人行则神助,人神在互动中完成拯救大工。基督是为所有的人死,但是只有信靠基督的人才能得救。人有自由意志,可以拒绝神的救恩;甚至得救后,也可以中止信心,神也随之中止拯救(拯救包括三个阶段:称义、成圣、得荣耀)。
November 16, 2013 at 8:43am · Like

Tom Hsu 注意,加尔文派和阿米年派的思想未必代表加尔文和阿米年,因为这个争议是在他们死后才产生了,他们在世时这个争议才略略发苗。其次,在阿米年派被定为异端后,他们的文献几乎被烧光,现存的阿米年派资料多来自于加尔文派,也就是原貌尽失。
November 16, 2013 at 8:50am · Like
Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu 中国早期的思想,帝与天同;世界开始论,仍处于五德自然说,或是众说纷纭。不过,从混沌到分立,是普世的看法。

Tom Hsu
August 20, 2013
Labor Day Retreat,
[DATE] 8-30 17:30 至 9-1 20:00,
[PLACE] 111 Lake Gloria Road, Boswell, PA,
[SPONSOR] China Outreach Ministries,
[FEES] $130 (registration and transportation)
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Tom Hsu 有意者,可以向我报名和询问。
August 20, 2013 at 8:45am · Like

Tom Hsu 这个退修会适合慕道和初信。主讲员(早晚个一堂)会介绍基督信仰(从个人看信仰),分组专题(午餐前后各一堂)有家庭、交友、宣教、美国、等等(从生活看信仰)。
August 20, 2013 at 8:48am · Like

Tom Hsu 下午和晚上的大半时间是联谊活动,有小书房可以看书买书、有老基督徒可以资讯。白天有各类器材(含水上活动)可以活动筋骨,有美丽山水(含登山小道)可以打开心灵。晚上有点心。
August 20, 2013 at 8:54am · Like

Tom Hsu 呵呵,吃团体美国餐是新经验,晚上是丰盛的中国餐。
August 20, 2013 at 8:56am · Like

Cecilia Liu Liu Looks tempting
August 20, 2013 at 10:24am · Like

Cecilia Liu Liu What should we bring? Could you please send us an email for us to make preparation?
August 27, 2013 at 10:16am · Like

Tom Hsu The email I sent you has the attachment, which is the brochure of this event. You may find the information you need.
August 27, 2013 at 4:26pm · Like

Tom Hsu 与其说“一次得救,永远得救”,不如说“一次从神生,永远属于神”。
August 23, 2013 at 12:58pm · Like

Tom Hsu 我并不同意“持续进行”的说法,现在式有时强调事实性。在叙述中,现在式常常和过去式轮替,有着主从关系,以现在式为主体。

Tom Hsu
August 11, 2013
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Tom Hsu 蛮族入侵后,罗马亡国,进入新的战国时代。蛮族才分封制,老国王死了,几个孩子就彼此侵略,外加其它国家或蛮族的侵略。到了查理曼父子才开始长子继承制,同时开始婚姻联盟来稳定政权。改变不是一蹴即成,而联盟的结果形成了左右欧洲政坛的超级家族。
August 11, 2013 at 9:18am · Like

Tom Hsu 蛮族武装斗争中,教会成了和平的象征。当王室、和王权受到操控的时候,教会的神权成了安定的力量。
August 11, 2013 at 9:23am · Like

Tom Hsu
August 11, 2013
Sharon, may God guide your heart.

Tom Hsu
July 29, 2013

Tom Hsu Surrender ourselves to God's way.
July 17, 2013 at 3:53pm · Like

Tom Hsu
July 22, 2013
Summary: "Six Steps to Read Your Bible".....What (all about Jesus), Why (knowledge of God and ourselves), In faith (humility), What there (keywords), Though Jesus (patterns and promises), For life (change and gratitude)
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Tom Hsu COMA method of reading: Context (previous parts), Observation (connecting words, argument), Meaning (truths, to the whole Bible), Application (fear, thoughts, behaviors)
July 22, 2013 at 2:17pm · Like

Tom Hsu Genre, or kind of literature: Poetry (parallel: AA similar, AB opposite, AB-A reduce, A-AB increase), Prose (chaism: ABA, ABBA).
July 22, 2013 at 2:28pm · Like

Tom Hsu
July 21, 2013
Basically, humble, fearing, and trembling are very similar. if purposely, (1) humble: my way is better, but I respect God. (2) fearing: my way can help God, but somehow it irritates God. (3) trembling: God's way is always the best, and my way ends up to misery even if it looks good in the beginning.
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Tom Hsu
July 21, 2013
(1) Sins lead to punishment. (2) Obedience leads to sufferings. The consequences of both look similar. IN FACT, (1) Sins lead to happiness, and end up to punishment. (2) Obedience leads to sufferings, and ends up to blessings.

Cecilia Liu Liu
July 17, 2013
When Thursday is coming, how far Friday is away? Sharon Zou AllisonFantine Ngan
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Tom Hsu One column away, 24 hours away, still invisible,
July 17, 2013 at 3:51pm · Like

Tom Hsu
July 14, 2013
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Tom Hsu
July 14, 2013
读经三要。(1) 忌沦为知识和论断,(2) 忌失去渴慕和怜悯,(3) 定睛在耶稣,要效法耶稣。

Tom Hsu
July 13, 2013

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Tom Hsu 张牧师在BBN 圣经学院(免费网络学校)有开课,,
July 13, 2013 at 10:19pm · Like

Tom Hsu
July 8, 2013
Summary of Eric's view of health church. (1) preach true gospel of the risen Christ, (2) teach the Scriptures according to the literal context, (3) biblically qualified elders (leaders), (4) discipleship; make disciples to obey Christ's commands, (5) discipline; be committed and accountable for behaviors; * things not covered, prayer, worship, evangelism, mutual love.

Tom Hsu 抑郁症,通常發生在長期無法解決,又無法避免的狀況下;
June 14, 2013 at 12:37pm · Like

Gretta Lau 嗯,确实是人不能掌控的。好像司布真和马丁路得都有过抑郁症,所以,我想,神的恩典胜过这个疾病,而且,苦难会变成祝福的,有一天。
June 14, 2013 at 11:29pm · Like

Tom Hsu 查了维基,罗慧娟的晚年,重病不断。一病比一病严重。天天在疼痛中度日。但是她仍然不放弃信仰,在goodtv,她说因为看见了基督。录制那段访谈是她病情好转的时候,不久又发现了癌症。
June 15, 2013 at 9:40pm · Like · 1

Tom Hsu 赏善罚恶,是不变的法则。传道书第三章指出万事有定时,彼前1:2指出神
June 8, 2013 at 9:01am · Like

Tom Hsu 传道书第三章指出万事有定时,但是狭义的预定是指信徒得荣耀,参考以弗所书第一章。
June 8, 2013 at 9:12am · Like

Tom Hsu 彼前1:2指出神预知后才拣选人,但是罗马书9:11指出拣选不是根据行为,申命记9:6也指出神的赏赐不是根据行为。最重要的是,罗马书第三章指出没有义人。
June 8, 2013 at 9:30am · Like · 1

Tom Hsu
June 8, 2013

Tom Hsu
June 4, 2013
GWU students host Bible study in Columbia Plaza 2pm-4pm every Saturday. If interested, please contact me.

Tom Hsu
June 1, 2013
EVENT: 十五週年感恩音樂會,
DATE: Saturday, June 8, 2013, 2:00 – 4:00 pm,
PLACE: Chinese Christian Church of Greater Washington D.C.,
7716 Piney Branch Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910
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Priscilla Yang likes this.

Tom Hsu

Christian Oratorio Society of Greater Washington DC About Us
The Christian Oratorio Society was formed in 1998 for church music co-workers and choir members of different churches in the Greater Washington area.
June 1, 2013 at 5:54pm · Like · Remove Preview

Tom Hsu 神家裡可愛的使女。
May 29, 2013 at 4:26pm · Like

Tom Hsu
May 18, 2013
Eva is wright about Matt 5. Jesus did not mention the poor, but the poor in heart.
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Tianyue Wu Thanks Tom for clarifying! I listened to 康来昌's preach and he specifically clarified this point. "Poor in spirit" means that we desire Him and realize that we are lacking.
May 18, 2013 at 8:38pm · Like

Tom Hsu I do not agree with Kang. I believe that eight beatitudes are about persecution of God's messengers, which follows eight beatitudes. The sermon on the mount has a theme like: the life of the prophet.
May 18, 2013 at 8:48pm · Like

Linda Zhao The beatitudes begin the “Sermon on the Mount.” The qualities described in the Beatitudes give a picture of the character of the true people of God, those who are a part of his kingdom and have the full blessings of the kingdom to look forward to. Taken together they give the picture of the perfect disciple of Christ who is the heir of the promises. Jesus does not here tell people how to attain these qualities; that will come in subsequent teachings.
May 19, 2013 at 1:04pm · Like

Linda Zhao I checked on commentaries and expositions on the Beatitudes from different reliable sources, which basically have similar understanding of the meaning of the beatitudes. As for those who are "poor in heart," it is widely agreed that it refers to those who are humble before God, and thus come to Jesus as hopeless and helpless sinners.
May 19, 2013 at 1:14pm · Like

Tom Hsu 5:12-13 concludes 5:2b-11; 5:16b concludes 5:14-16a.
May 24, 2013 at 2:27pm · Like

Tom Hsu CORRECTION= 5:11-12 concludes 5:2b-10; 5:16b concludes 5:13-16a.
May 24, 2013 at 2:33pm · Like

Tom Hsu 5:3, poor = needed (physically); 5:4, mourn = for lost (or sins); 5:5, meek = submitted, kind; 5:6, hunger and thirst = of food and water; 5:7, merciful = giving, raising;..... I do believe that troubles will lift up during ministry. Sometimes we just see no standards and directions during difficulties, we find that we become needy and in want.
May 24, 2013 at 3:12pm · Like

Tom Hsu 5:5, meek means to continue the ministry; 5:7, merciful means to give (from nowhere); 5:8, pure means clean from sin or doubt, i.e., faithful; 5:9, peacemakers mean bridge from sinners to God;..... as a result of ministry, it leads to persecution in 5:10-11. Notice that the poor in spirit have the same reward with the persecuted for righteousness, the kingdom of heaven. Righteousness is the cause of the persecuted, and the purpose of the hungry and thirsty.
May 24, 2013 at 3:25pm · Like

Tom Hsu Therefore, the poor in spirit are not those hopeless sinners, but those pilgrims toward the temple of God. Of course, we have to acknowledge our hopeless and lacking status. However, the theme of the Sermon on the Mount is the daily life of a God-fearing person, rather than a sinner turns to God for help and salvation.
May 24, 2013 at 3:36pm · Like

Tom Hsu Devotion is a post-salvation behaviors, following the new genuine nature. The theme of the four Gospels is who Jesus is and why Jesus died. Jesus did not just die for salvation but also restoration (healing), to restore the broken relationship as well as the lost righteous behaviors.
May 24, 2013 at 3:46pm · Like

Tom Hsu principle #1, interpret the passage within context, related and restricted.
May 25, 2013 at 7:47pm · Like

Linda Zhao As I mentioned in my posts, they were NOT from my personal interpretations; instead, they are a summary based on the well-known expositions of the Beatitudes from highly regarded Christian ministers and commentators including Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary (see I doubt if they were ignorant of the above-mentioned principle in their work of interpreting and explaining the message of the Scriptures.

Matthew Henry Beatitudes
Matthew Henry Beatitudes
May 26, 2013 at 2:45am · Like

Tom Hsu It is about how the Bible says instead of what they said. Their commentaries are precious, but I would like to see how the verses are put together. I prefer the theory, to read the Bible as a book.
May 27, 2013 at 11:59pm · Like

Tom Hsu 丁道尔注释:“虚心的人”仍然指那些因信而受迫害的神的子民。
May 28, 2013 at 7:38am · Like

Tom Hsu 每日研经丛书:希伯来文中的贫穷是描述谦卑无助,完全信靠 神的人。
May 28, 2013 at 7:41am · Like

Tom Hsu Calvin's: Matthew, by adding an epithet, confines the happiness to those only who, under the discipline of the cross, have learned to be humble.
May 28, 2013 at 7:50am · Like

Tom Hsu John Wesley's: The poor in spirit - They who are unfeignedly penitent, they who are truly convinced of sin;
May 28, 2013 at 8:02am · Like

Tom Hsu Family Bible: Poor in spirit ; ...more especially those who feel their need, as sinners, of spiritual blessings,
May 28, 2013 at 8:03am · Like

Tom Hsu In commentaries, poor in spirit: (1) humble from human pride, (2) humble for sins, (3) humble for persecuted faith.
May 28, 2013 at 8:08am · Like

Tom Hsu Ps 35:10 My whole being will exclaim,
“Who is like you, Lord?
You rescue the poor from those too strong for them,
the poor and needy from those who rob them.”
May 28, 2013 at 9:36am · Like

Tom Hsu
April 28, 2013
Then what is the next?
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Sharon Suiwen Zou you mean our plan for summer?
April 28, 2013 at 6:40pm · Like

Tom Hsu What we are doing here, a corner of Facebook?
April 29, 2013 at 10:35am · Like

Zhaoyang Chen Hi Tom! The following two weeks are exam weeks for students in GWU. Therefore most of us will be very busy = = We plan to talk about our future summer plan in May 4 evening in A415 CP. You are very welcome to join us if you are available. Regards
April 29, 2013 at 6:58pm · Like

Tom Hsu What time on May 4?
May 3, 2013 at 6:03pm · Like

facebook 2014

Tom Hsu call upon = pray = worship; let God be God, let sinner be saint, ie., seperated and then sent out;
April 15 at 3:55pm · Like


Tom Hsu shared a link.
9 hours ago
5月9日,查经班毕业生,并邀请老朋友和新朋友共襄盛举。In Christ.

2014年毕业晚会[美国] - 活动中心 - GWCBS - Powered by Discuz!
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Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 24 · Edited
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Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 24
基督教- 新约里的十二。耶稣复活后,提到多马是十二(使徒)之一,但是犹大已经自杀了。保罗信上说,耶稣复活后显示给十二看,也有同样的问题。
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Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 24
信心是什么?..... 信心就是神要用你。信心就是顺服,相信神必定成就他的计划。
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Cecilia Liu Liu and Jimmy Tseng like this.
Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 24
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Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 23
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Tom Hsu
April 23
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Tom Hsu
April 22
基督教- 做先知说预言。说预言和说方言,存在过,但是有限也必停。说方言不如说预言。说方言时要有翻译,说预言时其他人慎思明辨。圣灵随己意分赐。有说预言、说方言、还有做教师的。。预言无法取代圣经,因为圣经里有应许、有基督。
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Gloria Yang and Jimmy Tseng like this.
Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 22
基督教- 使用圣经。圣经的主题是拯救罪人;要分辨特例和通例;要分辨条件的不同,做适度的调整。。圣经的价值是历代教会所接受,耶稣和使徒所接受。
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Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 21
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Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 21
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Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 21
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Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 21
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Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 21
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Tom Hsu
April 10
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Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 10
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Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 10
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Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
April 10
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Tom Hsu

Tom Hsu
March 26
Priscilla Yang Happy birthday!永遠的小公主!百變女郎!
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Tom Hsu shared a link via Maria Chen.
March 25

廣告小妹: 「小妹感嘆」台灣不是第二個香港,是第三個上海
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Priscilla Yang
March 20
for Tom Hsu

美研究:父說話影響力 是母50倍 - 中時電子報
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Priscilla Yang
February 21
for Bright Hsu, Concerto Hsu, Tom Hsu

K-12 STEM Symposium on March 8th-Bringing Industry and Students Together
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Tom Hsu
January 10
“坊間不鏽鋼百百種,200、201系列耐熱較低,不建議作為餐具使用,206系列容易生鏽,301相較於200系列較能承受高溫,不過如果使用304系列,不僅耐熱高、不易氧化,錳含量也低於百分之2,換句話說,不鏽鋼餐具編號越高,錳含量及其他金屬物質含量就壓的越少。” ~中時,2013/10/15
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January 10
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January 5
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January 5
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January 5
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Priscilla Yang
January 5

From Tom Hsu
See Translation
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Tom Hsu
September 2, 2013
怎么加好友到 Line?
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August 30, 2013
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Tom Hsu
July 19, 2013
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July 19, 2013
Thanks Costco, and Voucher where.

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July 19, 2013
Thanks Costco once again.

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Tom Hsu shared Siyao Guo's status.
June 10, 2013
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June 8, 2013
There are many prophecies in Psalms. Especially, Jesus quoted in Matthew 21:42 from Psalm 118:22. (Note, it should be "Psalm" instead of "Psalms" because it is a verse instead of many psalms) In Acts (1:16; 2:30; 4:25) David is thought a prophet.
Prophecies Fulfilled
Prophecies of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, run like a golden and precise thread throughout the...
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Sheran Deng was with Priscilla Yang and Tom Hsu.
May 12, 2013
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Tom Hsu
April 22, 2013
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Tom Hsu shared Mitchel OC's photo.
April 16, 2013
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Tom Hsu
April 11, 2013
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Tom Hsu
April 10, 2013
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Tom Hsu
March 10, 2013
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Tom Hsu
March 2, 2013
Chamber of lepers: 麻风病人好了,进圣殿前,行洁净里的地方;位于圣殿本堂外的女人院。
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More posts from February 2 to March 1

Mitchel OCposted to‎Tom Hsu
February 2, 2013
Happy birthday!!!!
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More posts from January 7 to February 2

Tom Hsu
January 7, 2013
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Tom Hsu
January 7, 2013
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More posts from January 1 to 7

Tom Hsu
January 1, 2013
My Facebook contains sexual link. I plan to stop using Facebook.
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More posts from December 31 to January 1

Tom Hsu
January 1, 2013
新年快乐! 因为我们都还活着! 不过新历年除夕,我们在外游荡了一天,挺累的。
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Sheran Deng's photo.
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Alice Yu
Posts From Friends · 2013
3 friends wrote on your Timeline.

Mitchel OC wrote on your Timeline.
February 2, 2013 at 11:46am
Happy birthday!!!
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Mitchel OC wrote on your Timeline.
February 2, 2013 at 11:45am
Happy birthday!!!!
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Jingting Wang wrote on your Timeline.
January 3, 2013 at 5:23am
1Like ·

facebook 2012

Tom Hsu shared Jerry Shay's photo.
December 27, 2012
A long conference video call cross continents via modern techonology, Google Talk
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Tom Hsu
December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas! 平安夜看见车祸,警车、消防车、救护车都来了。God bless! 我们只能开车,继续前进。
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Tom Hsu
December 5, 2012
Third thought of marriage: Pretty and Ugly
Photo: Third thought of marriage:  Pretty and Ugly
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Tom Hsu
December 5, 2012
Second thought of marriage
Photo: Second thought of marriage
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Tom Hsu
November 14, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
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Tom Hsu
October 31, 2012
Hope those living in New York and New Jersey did not suffer too much!
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Tom Hsu
October 24, 2012
leaves change in colors, and they look pretty and shining, especially under the sun; but they are dying; a wise man said, "they are dying, but they will return next year"
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Tom Hsu
September 28, 2012
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More posts from September 16 to 28

Yingwei Liu was with Tom Hsu.
September 16, 2012
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Tom Hsu became friends with Carl Lueng.
September 10, 2012

Carl Lueng
See friendship
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Charles Li
September 2, 2012
Retreat at Boswell PA — with Priscilla Yang and 8 others.
Photo: Retreat at Boswell PA
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Tom Hsu
July 19, 2012
A big long day!
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Charles Li was with Priscilla Yang and Tom Hsu.
July 9, 2012
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Tom Hsu
July 2, 2012
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Tom Hsu
July 1, 2012
A happy day!
Photo: A happy day!
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Zhijuan Scarlett Fu shared a link.
February 26, 2012
本人Thesis的survey关乎毕业大计 拜托众位亲给做一下 谢谢啦 求扩散
See Translation
Survey | Qualtrics Survey Software
Survey Software, Enterprise Survey software for enterprise feedback management and CRM...
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Sheran Deng
January 9, 2012
Not Van Gogh's "potato eater", nor Cafe of revolutionaries, though they converse on wok and politics — with Miao Yang and 2 others.
Photo: Not Van Gogh's "potato eater", nor Cafe of revolutionaries, though they converse on wok and politics
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Charles Li's photo.
Yingwei Liu's photo.
Not Van Gogh's "potato eater", nor Cafe of revolutionaries, though they converse on wok and politics
Retreat at Boswell PA
A happy day!
Friends · 2012

facebook 2011


September 26, 2011
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Tom Hsu
July 17, 2011 via Café World

Tom just earned the Cooking Colleague Bronze Medal in Cafe World!
Tom got a great reward for helping 15 friends and wants to share his success with you.
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More posts from June 17 to July 17

Tom Hsu
June 17, 2011
Philemon 1:6 in Greek, (1) your (singular) faith; (2) "in" sometimes switchable with "into," so the translation of "so as that" is acceptable; (3) "among us" in some manuscripts written as "among you."
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More posts from May 27 to June 17

Tom Hsu became friends with Xukun Duan.
May 27, 2011

Xukun Duan
See friendship
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Tom Hsu
February 3, 2011
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Tom Hsu
February 3, 2011
大家新年好!Happy New Year!
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Tom Hsu became friends with Xiaojiao Liu.
January 24, 2011

Xiaojiao Liu
See friendship
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Tom Hsu
January 4, 2011
Three Sisters (3 photos)
Best memory in the end of year 2010
Three best friends
Happy Birthday!
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Charles Li's photo.
color it red
Happy Birthday!
Best memory in the end of year 2010
Three best friends
Friends · 2011

Likes · 2011

facebook 2010

Liked 大潤發 RT-mart

Mitchel OCposted to‎Tom Hsu
December 16, 2010
Hi Tom. How's everything there?
1Like ·

王奇女posted to‎Tom Hsu
August 11, 2010
I want to go to Bible study this Friday. Are they picking students up from George Washington campus during the summer?
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Tom Hsu
July 27, 2010
九月18-19日Retreat, Harrisonburg, VA. If interested or questions, please contact Tom at 517-527-7984 or
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Mitchel OC
July 11, 2010
It was good to see you this time. Keep in touch. Have a nice trip. Call me when you come back to California next time
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Mitchel OC
July 9, 2010
Hi Tom, how are you lately?
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Tom Hsu
June 20, 2010
Please post the photos you took in GWCBS welfare
night for graduates.
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Mitchel OCposted to‎Tom Hsu
June 18, 2010
Hi Tom, I have not heard from you since you got here. I know you have been busy. Give me a call or send me a message here, so we can catch up
2Like ·

Monkeydude Dudely
January 30 - March 27 via Pillow Fight

I just hit you with the Grapes Pillow
I just hit you with the Grapes Pillow in Pillow Fight. There is only one rule of Pillow Fight: The player who does not hit back in 2 days loses! Let's see who wins!
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I just hit you with the Summer Pillow
I just hit you with the Summer Pillow in Pillow Fight. There is only one rule of Pillow Fight: The player who does not hit back in 2 days loses! Let's see who wins!
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I just hit you with the Sushi Pillow
I just hit you with the Sushi Pillow in Pillow Fight. There is only one rule of Pillow Fight: The player who does not hit back in 2 days loses! Let's see who wins!
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Tom Hsu
February 14, 2010
Sature Feb 20, Chinese New Year Event; if interested, please contact me.
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More posts from January 22 to February 14

Tom Hsu
January 22, 2010
Ugly? Beauty? Mind operating.
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王奇女posted to‎Tom Hsu
January 15, 2010
今天七点多我来GW图书馆的前面, 可是一个人都没有看。我现在太难过原因在于我真要参加你们的神经学习可是没发。一般来说你们几点钟离开?
1Like ·

Tom Hsu
January 2, 2010
新年到 鸿运高照!
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Joined 3 Groups

Posts From Friends · 2010
4 friends wrote on your Timeline.

Mitchel OC wrote on your Timeline.
December 16, 2010 at 7:35pm
Hi Tom. How's everything there?
1Like ·

王奇女 wrote on your Timeline.
August 11, 2010 at 10:30pm
I want to go to Bible study this Friday. Are they picking students up from George Washington campus during the summer?
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Mitchel OC wrote on your Timeline.
June 18, 2010 at 1:00pm
Hi Tom, I have not heard from you since you got here. I know you have been busy. Give me a call or send me a message here, so we can catch up
2Like ·

王奇女 wrote on your Timeline.
January 15, 2010 at 8:40pm
今天七点多我来GW图书馆的前面, 可是一个人都没有看。我现在太难过原因在于我真要参加你们的神经学习可是没发。一般来说你们几点钟离开?
1Like ·

facebook 2009

Monkeydude Dudely
December 23, 2009 via Pillow Fight
I just hit you with the Orange Pillow. You have 2 days to hit back or you lose!

I just hit you with the Orange Pillow
I just hit you with the Orange Pillow in Pillow Fight. There is only one rule of Pillow Fight: The player who does not hit back in 2 days loses! Let's see who wins! <<<--------------------------You can click on the pillow to HIT BACK!
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More posts from December 1 to 23

Tom Hsu shared a link.
December 1, 2009
赶快报名"Bridges Vision 09 - New York" at 。机会难得!!!
Conference Info
Description Vision 09 is an opportunity to join with hundreds of other international students, scholars and professionals as we discover what it means to know God through Jesus Christ,...
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Tom Hsu
November 26, 2009
"delete plus" freeware can recover the deleted filed on sd !!!
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Jingting Wang
November 22, 2009 via Give Hearts

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More posts from November 13 to 22

Tom Hsu
November 13, 2009
Special speaker Pastor Huang will share his journey with use tonight at church. He was a IT engineer and he is a violinist. You are invited to his sharing.
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Tom Hsu
November 13, 2009
Fall outing at Prince William Forest Park, VA

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Tom Hsu
November 5, 2009
本周六(11/7) Prince William Park 的秋游,meet for outing at GWU (2121 H St.) and River House (Potomac) at 9:30am;
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More posts from November 5

Tom Hsu
November 5, 2009
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More posts from October 23 to November 5

Tom Hsu
October 23, 2009
Since it will be rainy on Saturday, we have to cancel the Saturday (10/24) outing.
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Tom Hsu
October 18, 2009
A fall outing will be held at Mason Neck State Park, VA this Saturday (10/24). Set off at 10am. If interested, please contact Tom. Thank you.
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Mitchel OCposted to‎Tom Hsu
October 15, 2009
By the way, Tom, I can't seem to find photo of your family. It has been a long, long time since I've seen them; I have no clue what they look like.
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Tom Hsu
September 29, 2009
这周六有中秋晚会,5:00pm 出发,有意者请跟我联络。
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More posts from September 11 to 29

Tom Hsu
September 12, 2009
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Tom Hsu
September 8, 2009

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Tom Hsu
August 17, 2009
Sunrise (20 photos)
Tom Hsu's photo.
Tom Hsu's photo.
Tom Hsu's photo.
Tom Hsu's photo.
Tom Hsu's photo.
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Lei Zhangposted to‎Tom Hsu
June 22, 2009
Hey Tom. Thank you for inviting me to the retreat. I am very sorry that I can't make it then. Hope you enjoy the trip. Please keep me informed about other activities.
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More posts from June 4 to 21

Tom Hsu
June 4, 2009
A clip of fireworks taken from the retreat in 2008.

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More posts from May 26 to June 4

Tom Hsu
May 26, 2009
Niagara Falls (13 photos)
Tom Hsu's photo.
Tom Hsu's photo.
Tom Hsu's photo.
Tom Hsu's photo.
Tom Hsu's photo.
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Tom Hsu
May 26, 2009
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Tom Hsu
May 26, 2009
大瀑布 一游 (13 photos)
Tom Hsu's photo.
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Tom Hsu
May 26, 2009
Tom Hsu's photo.
Tom Hsu's photo.
Tom Hsu's photo.
Tom Hsu's photo.
Tom Hsu's photo.
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Huachuan Wangposted to‎Tom Hsu
May 20, 2009
How to connect you then? my cellphone number is 202-368-7899
1Like ·

Huachuan Wangposted to‎Tom Hsu
May 19, 2009
Thanks! No problem, see you ^^
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Suijun Yuposted to‎Tom Hsu
May 18, 2009
Hi Tom~~~I have arrived China....Hope you enjoy your summer~I will miss you
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Tom Hsu
May 16, 2009
Peace of God
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Joined Facebook

May 16, 2009
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