Tuesday, March 4, 2014

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  2013-10-13 06:28   

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  2013-12-7 15:48   

* 東施效顰

- 對藝術的認同,如何產生

- 鬧劇

* 講演

- 內容

- 表達

* 工作分派

- 對於自己的工作,要逐步熟練

- 工作三階段


- 单位运作


- 受命時



- 分派人


- 分派時



- 做生意




* 記憶

- 數字。多位數,佩戴-上中下。
- 路程。放大,尋找。
- 因果- 動作,聲音,感受
- 上下、左右、外裏。輕重、大小

* 閱讀




事工流程 2002

  2014-2-17 13:43   

501 Worship:  Duties (followed) (Chinese, Big-5)   
502 Worship:  Baptismal Interview (planned)   
509 Worship:  Others   
591 Secretary:  Church Event Calendar (English)   
591 Secretary:  Church Event Calendar (Chinese, Big-5)   
599 Secretary:  Others   
*  Never use AOLpress to edit Chinese (Big-5) pages.

# interview for membership or baptism
1. qualitification of interviewer (or reviewer)
1a. pastor, elder, or minister 
1b. appointed by pastor, eler or minister 
1b1. church member, regular attendee for last three years, and adult Sunday school teacher for one year
2. concerns before interview
2a. two interviewers required 
2b. parents' consent required if under age 18
2b1. the written consent required 
2b2. the confirmation contact by a interviewer is required
2c. the interview is...
2c1. not to share the gospel but verify the personal conversion 
2c2. not to teach but question and listen 
2c3. not to drill but help the person to understand and clarify the central meaning of the salvation in Christ and the personal position to the salvation
2d. if the conversion written form are done before (for Communion participation), the conversion written form may be skipped 
2e. prayer for interviewers and the interviewee him/herself to assure if the interviewee is saved
3. questions in interview
3a. regarding conversion  (answered by personal statement and testimony)
3a1. when to believe, why to come to believe, how to become saved 
3a2. if to understand: sin/God, saved/Christ;
3b. regarding membership (or baptism)
3b1. *if to understand and agree: statement of faith (constitution. chap. 1), purpose of church (bylaws. chap. 4) 
3b2. *if to support church with prayer and financial giving 
3b3. *if to summit to the Lord and the church leadership 
3b4. what to do in the church, how to come to serve
3c. interviewers express the Christ-centered life of a believer: prayer, Bible, meeting, service, offering, caring

- include: church (host) name, Englisn/Chinese, contact person/phone#, address(map), pictures, colored papers



Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov (odd months)
1st week Ps 33:2-5 
2nd week Ps 47:5-9 
3rd week Ps 95:1-7 
4th week Ps 96:7-10 
5th week Ps 100:1-5

Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec (even months)
1st week Ps 103:19-22 
2nd week Ps 113:5-9 
3rd week Ps 117:1-2 
4th week Ps 136:1-5 
5th week Ps 147:5-11


-  church events (only) 
- no personal prayer request 
- no non-church events announcement/distribution
-- 1. except the host church , the mother church , and the mission board supported by us ; 
-- 2. or unless two members of different families propose to announce and two Elders approve (evangelical speakers, no schedule conflict). 
-- 3. however, the non-church flyers can be distributed if approved by an Elder


- collect the prayer request forms on Sunday service, five-minute writing of prayer requests in the meeting


- the class should be taught by pastoral staff 
- the candidate should be confirmed/interviewed by pastoral staff 
- the interview for baptism should be informative and examinative (understanding and repentance) rather than evangelistic. 
- the membership class should be informative and examinative (understanding and acceptance) rather than a lecture. 
- the baptismal service is evangelistic. 
- the interview of baptism include two elders (layman elder or clergic elder) (cf. Deut. 17:6; 19:15). the change of life to God's word (Acts 10:45-47) 

- 1. The following persons can participate, not only observe but also take the bread and cup, the Communion service:
-- a. those at age 12 and above, baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19), 
-- b. those at age 12 and above, converted to Christ Jesus, and confirmed by our pastoral staff (i.e., the Minister and Elder), 
-- c. those at age 12 and below, converted to Christ Jesus, applied for by parents, and confirmed by our pastoral staff. 
-- a. those at age 12 and above, baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Mattew 28:19), 
-- b. those at age 18 and above, converted to Christ Jesus,

- 2. The Communion participants should enter the sanctuary by the beginning of the Communion worship service, i.e., by 1:30 p.m.. The Communion service is part of the worship service. 
- 3. The first session of the first Sunday of the month is the Communion worship service for the whole church, i.e., the program of each group at this session should be adjusted to be part of worship. A worship service includes praise songs, praise prayer, a message from the Bible, and thanksgiving offering to God. 
- 4. Children under age 12 should be brought by their parents and sit with them in the Communion worship service. Those children whose parents do not come to the service may sit with their Sunday school class teachers or adult friends. 
- 5. The youth should join the congregation in the whole Communion worship service, even in different places. 

- 1. Believer children at age 12 and above at that day may participate, i.e., take the bread and cup. 
- 2. Believers are encouraged to attend the Communion even if unable to participate. 
- 3. This operation will remain until the new and stable policy comes out. 


章程 2001-09-22

  2014-2-17 13:37   

The Ministry Committee of Chinese Bible Church 
Current Job Description of Each Department
I. Caring Department
* It is suggested that the job description in this proposal will be reviewed and made necessary modification every six months since this proposal is adopted by the Ministry Committee.

The Ministry Committee of Chinese Bible Church 
Current Job Description of Each Department
Proposed by 
September 22, 2001

Job Description
  1. Title: 
    Caring Department Coordinator
  2. Qualification:
    1. The qualification to be a coworker of the Ministry Committee is CBCNC membership, i.e., the person should be a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, identify with the vision and mission statement of CBCNC and be appointed by the pastor (minister) and elder.
  3. Purpose:
    1. 1. To keep contact among the congregation, and provide for those who need the special needs
  4. Duties:
    1. To plan activities and prepare the departmental budget for the following year.
    2. To organize and prepare for the proposed activity, including its warm-up and follow-up programs, such as the prayer meeting, invitation fellowship, and/or visitation
    3. To organize and call up the regular prayer meeting and fellowship meeting of department coworkers
    1. To organize the Caring Ministry Committee
    2. To promote mutual caring to the congregation
    3. To manage the Caring Fund
    4. *To organize the caring network based on cell group in the future, to pray, contact, visit, and help

II. Children Ministry Department  [Back]
Job Description
  1. Title: 
    Children Ministry Department Coordinator
  2. Qualification:
    1. The qualification to be a coworker of the Ministry Committee is CBCNC membership, i.e., the person should be a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, identify with the vision and mission statement of CBCNC and be appointed by the pastor (minister) and elder.
  3. Purpose:
    1. 1. To lead children (age 0-5G) to receive salvation and to grow in Jesus Christ
  4. Duties:
    1. To plan activities and prepare the departmental budget for the following year.
    2. To organize and prepare for the proposed activity, including its warm-up and follow-up programs, such as the prayer meeting, invitation fellowship, and/or visitation
    3. To organize and call up the regular prayer meeting and fellowship meeting of department coworkers
    1. To organize the classes at the first session on Sunday according to the ages and number of children
      1. Nursery (age 0-2)
      2. Preschoolers (age 3-4)
      3. Kindergartners-2nd graders
      4. 3G-5G
    2. To organize the classes at the second session on Sunday
      1. *Nursery (age 0-1) in the future
      2. Toddlers (age 2)
      3. Preschoolers-Kindergartners
      4. Children Church (3G-5G)
    3. To organize the Children Teachers Fellowship for fellowship and prayer
    4. To organize the children teachers training
    5. To choose and order the materials for Sunday school and
    6. To organize Children’s Sunday worship service
    7. To organize the nursery for Sunday service and special meetings
    8. To recruit and train Sunday school teachers and nursery workers
    9. To maintain the supplies for the Children Ministry
    10. *To organize VBS (Vacation Bible School) in Summer in the future

III. Christian Education Department  [Back]
Job Description
  1. Title: 
    Christian Education Department Coordinator
  2. Qualification:
    1. The qualification to be a coworker of the Ministry Committee is CBCNC membership, i.e., the person should be a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, identify with the vision and mission statement of CBCNC and be appointed by the pastor (minister) and elder.
  3. Purpose:
    1. To assist the pastoral staff in the instruction of the congregation in the Word of God
    2. To encourage the involvement of the whole family in Christian Education program
  4. Duties:
    1. To plan activities and prepare the departmental budget for the following year.
    2. To organize and prepare for the proposed activity, including its warm-up and follow-up programs, such as the prayer meeting, invitation fellowship, and/or visitation
    3. To organize and call up the regular prayer meeting and fellowship meeting of department coworkers
    1. To organize the Sunday school classes at the second session on Sunday; for the Mandarin-speaking adults
      1. The classes are categorized to: Seekers Class, Foundation Class, Bible Topical Class, Systematic Theology Class, Disciple Equipping Class
      2. The classes are evangelism-driven, promote the Bible as the authority of Christian life to transform the life
      3. To develop new programs/process or change them under direction of the pastoral staff to meet the congregation's need
    2. To organize the Library Committee to manage the library actions; to (a) purchase, (b) label, catalogue, repair, and (c) track checkouts and returns
    3. To organize the revival meetings which are be held in Spring
    4. To recruit and *equip the teachers
      1. To identify the faithful, available, and teachable believers
      2. To communicate church policies, and teaching guidelines
      3. To develop the in-service training program
      4. The teaching role requires CBCNC membership, the sound basic beliefs of Jesus Christ, and a good reputation of the personal church life. The nominee must be appointed by the pastor (minister) and elder.
    5. To trace and promote the involvement of the entire congregation in the learning process, and coordinate with the teachers to contact the absentee students
    6. To regularly promote the reading habit for the entire congregation to read the Bible and spiritual materials at home
    7. To serve as CBCNC contact person when CBCNC participates in joint inter-church revival meetings
    8. To promote the CBCM retreat (held on Memorial Day weekend)

IV. English/Youth Department  [Back]
Job Description
  1. Title: 
    English/Youth Department Coordinator
  2. Qualification:
    1. The qualification to be a coworker of the Ministry Committee is CBCNC membership, i.e., the person should be a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, identify with the vision and mission statement of CBCNC and be appointed by the pastor (minister) and elder.
  3. Purpose:
    1. To organize the Christian activities for English-speaking people (age 6G and up)
  4. Duties:
    1. To plan activities and prepare the departmental budget for the following year.
    2. To organize and prepare for the proposed activity, including its warm-up and follow-up programs, such as the prayer meeting, invitation fellowship, and/or visitation
    3. To organize and call up the regular prayer meeting and fellowship meeting of department coworkers
    1. YOUTH: Youth group activity at the second session on Sunday
    2. YOUTH: Youth Sunday school at the first session on Sunday
    3. ENGLISH: English worship at the second session on the third Sunday
    4. ENGLISH: Adult Sunday school at the second session on Sunday
    5. ENGLISH: *College students activity in the future

V. Evangelism/Missions Department  [Back]
Job Description
  1. Title: 
    Evangelism/Mission Department Coordinator
  2. Qualification:
    1. The qualification to be a coworker of the Ministry Committee is CBCNC membership, i.e., the person should be a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, identify with the vision and mission statement of CBCNC and be appointed by the pastor (minister) and elder.
  3. Purpose:
    1. To contact and lead unbelievers into God’s grace and/or the church activities
  4. Duties:
    1. 01. To plan activities and prepare the departmental budget for the following year.
    2. To organize and prepare for the proposed activity, including its warm-up and follow-up programs, such as the prayer meeting, invitation fellowship, and/or visitation
    3. To organize and call up the regular prayer meeting and fellowship meeting of department coworkers
    1. EVANGELISM. To organize the evangelistic meetings; the speaker Dd. William Ho or other in Spring, and Dr. Paul Lee Tan or other in October/Fall
      1. *To organize the gospel counselors team in the future
      2. *To organize the unbeliever visitors follow-up in the future; coordinate with the minister and elder for the first follow-up
      3. *To organize the unbelievers follow-up team in the future
      4. *To organize the evangelistic visitation in the future
      5. *To organize the outreach activities; ex.. anti-Halloween outreach, outreach of "Voice of Life" from CBCM
    2. EVANGELISM. *To organize the Meeting Promotion Team in the future to invite people and distribute the flyers
    3. EVANGELISM. *To organize the Greeting Team in the future for all meetings to pay attention to the new visitors
    4. EVANGELISM. To serve as CBCNC contact person when CBCNC participates in joint inter-church evangelistic meetings
    5. EVANGELISM: To coordinate with Fellowship Department for evangelism opportunity during church dinner/picnic, retreat and revival meetings.
    6. MISSIONS. To propose the FPO (Mission Faith Promise Offering) goal by the end of July to the Committee and then the mother church CBCM (Chinese Bible Church of Maryland at Rockville, MD)
    7. MISSIONS. *To organize and promote the short-term mission in the future; with the minister, elder and missionaries supported by CBCNC
    8. MISSIONS. To organize the Mission Weekend Meeting which is held in October; the speaker is the missionary supported by CBCNC

VI. Facility Department  [Back]
Job Description
  1. Title: 
    Facility Department Coordinator
  2. Qualification:
    1. The qualification to be a coworker of the Ministry Committee is CBCNC membership, i.e., the person should be a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, identify with the vision and mission statement of CBCNC and be appointed by the pastor (minister) and elder.
  3. Purpose:
    1. To maintain and secure the buildings, grounds and properties of CBCNC
    2. To ensure the availability and safety of the use of facility for church activities and other programs
  4. Duties:
    1. To plan activities and prepare the departmental budget for the following year.
    2. To organize and prepare for the proposed activity, including its warm-up and follow-up programs, such as the prayer meeting, invitation fellowship, and/or visitation
    3. To organize and call up the regular prayer meeting and fellowship meeting of department coworkers
    1. To assist preparation of a meeting
      1. To reserve the meeting place
      2. To set up the meeting place, including the church banners and signs, and then restore after the meeting
      3. *To be in charge of transportation in the future for those who need ride to the meeting place
      4. To organize the special team for PS system and audio/video recording; including coordinator, trainer, and sound engineers
    2. *To maintain the church facility in the future
    3. *To manage the inventory of church properties in the future
      1. *To purchase facility for meeting use, and church-wide use
      2. ?To purchase facility for each department/Secretary
      3. *To maintain the facility
    4. To maintain cleanliness of church building (include floor, kitchen. etc.) and grounds (cleaning, etc.)
    5. To ensure church equipment (A/C & Heating, copiers, light, doors, locks, sound system, etc.) are secured and functioning properly.
    6. To maintain contact with Peace Presbyterian Church and other churches that provide CBCNC with the use of their facilities

VII. Fellowship Department  [Back]
Job Description
  1. Title: 
    Fellowship Department Coordinator
  2. Qualification:
    1. The qualification to be a coworker of the Ministry Committee is CBCNC membership, i.e., the person should be a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, identify with the vision and mission statement of CBCNC and be appointed by the pastor (minister) and elder.
  3. Purpose:
    1. To gather believers and unbelievers to witness and learn the grace of God
  4. Duties:
    1. To plan activities and prepare the departmental budget for the following year.
    2. To organize and prepare for the proposed activity, including its warm-up and follow-up programs, such as the prayer meeting, invitation fellowship, and/or visitation
    3. To organize and call up the regular prayer meeting and fellowship meeting of department coworkers
    1. To coordinate Bible study fellowships
      1. the Midweek Bible Study (for women and seniors)
      2. the Friday Night Bible Study (for all)
      3. the cell groups (for families)
        1. Cell groups may have group dinners for their own on Thanksgiving and Christmas
    2. To organize friendship fellowship events
      1. Church dinners for Chinese New Year, Chinese Moon Festival, and Christmas
      2. Church picnic at a local place in June
      3. Church outing to the beach in July
    3. To prepare refreshment for all meetings, and clean the kitchen after the use; to recruit and schedule the servers
    4. To organize the believers follow-up visitations; coordinate with the minster and elder
    5. To serve as the CBCNC contact person when CBCNC participated in joint inter-church evangelistic meetings
    6. To take picture, audio tape, video tape in the meeting; contact with Facility Department about the equipment
    7. To organize the retreat which is be held in the Lobar Day weekend; the minister is to contact the speakers

VIII. Finance Department  [Back]
Job Description
  1. Title: 
    Finance Department Coordinator
  2. Qualification:
    1. The qualification to be a coworker of the Ministry Committee is CBCNC membership, i.e., the person should be a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, identify with the vision and mission statement of CBCNC and be appointed by the pastor (minister) and elder.
  3. Purpose:
    1. To manage the income and expense of the church
  4. Duties:
    1. To plan activities and prepare the departmental budget for the following year.
    2. To organize and prepare for the proposed activity, including its warm-up and follow-up programs, such as the prayer meeting, invitation fellowship, and/or visitation
    3. To organize and call up the regular prayer meeting and fellowship meeting of department coworkers
    1. INCOME: Things after Sunday service
      1. To count the weekly offering
      2. To make copy of the offering checks
      3. To stamp CBCNC on the back of the checks
      4. To enter and record the individual offering to file before deposit
      5. To deposit the checks to bank
    2. INCOME: Things to do periodically
      1. Weekly to give the offering total of each category (General, Caring, Building, FPO) to the Sunday bulletin typist
      2. Monthly to prepare the offering summary of each category for monthly statement
      3. In January to prepare the individual offering record for income tax purpose
      4. In August to prepare offering information for yearly budgeting
    3. INCOME: To safely keep all offering records
    4. EXPENSE: To prepare checks
      1. To Sunday worship speakers
      2. To Peace Presbyterian Church ($800 per month)
      3. To BellSouth Advertising and Publishing
      4. To CBCM for FPO of mission support
      5. For the meetings, through the coordinating department
      6. For reimbursement requested through the department coordinators
      7. For the medical insurance of the minister
      8. For the cell phone of the minister
      9. For minister's salary, etc.; reimbursement to CBCM quarterly
    5. EXPENSE: To make reports
      1. To record and enter each transaction by departments according to the Committee Budget Category Numerical Codlings
      2. To make expense summary for monthly financial statement
      3. To make monthly financial statement available for CBCNC members
      4. To make the monthly statement
      5. To make summary total for yearly budgeting
    6. EXPENSE: To safely keep all financial records

IX. Secretary Department  [Back]
Job Description
  1. Title: 
    Secretary Department Coordinator
  2. Qualification:
    1. The qualification to be a coworker of the Ministry Committee is CBCNC membership, i.e., the person should be a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, identify with the vision and mission statement of CBCNC and be appointed by the pastor (minister) and elder.
  3. Purpose:
    1. To be familiar with the church constitution
  4. Duties:
    1. To plan activities and prepare the departmental budget for the following year.
    2. To organize and prepare for the proposed activity, including its warm-up and follow-up programs, such as the prayer meeting, invitation fellowship, and/or visitation
    3. To organize and call up the regular prayer meeting and fellowship meeting of department coworkers
    1. To order and manage the office supplies: stationery, church computers (purchased and repaired by Facility)
    2. To manage the records:
      1. With Worship: membership record, worship attendance, visitors information
      2. With Christian Education: Sunday school attendance
      3. To archive church mails, audio/video, photo, etc.
      4. To organize church cabinets, refreshment cabinets (with Fellowship)
    3. To type and print the documents
      1. With Worship: Sunday bulletins, *new visitor welcome letters
      2. With Departments: flyers and programs of activities
      3. To prepare and order the church calendar
      4. To compile and publish the church directory; publish once a pear, two update inserts every four months
      5. *To edit the church newsletter in the future
    4. To organize the church web site team
    5. To assist the Ministry Committee
      1. To manage the records: *membership handbook, church constitution, Committee meeting minutes (recording and archiving), job description of the Committee and Departments
      2. To type and print: Church Calendar, Committee meeting agenda
      3. To coordinate with the minister the Committee meetings
      4. To send the Committee members the meeting agenda
      5. To record the meeting minutes
    6. To coordinate the usage of church computer
      1. To organize a computer technology support team (See below for CTST responsibilities)
      2. To enforce CBCNC computer access policy
      3. To authorize check-in/check-out of the computers
      4. Computer Technology Support Team (CTST)
        1. To approve new software/hardware purchases
        2. To maintain the software/hardware inventory
        3. To assign access/security privileges
        4. To support and maintains hardware/Software
        5. To oversee CBCNC Computer Access Policy

X. Worship Department  [Back]
Job Description
  1. Title: 
    Worship Department Coordinator
  2. Qualification:
    1. The qualification to be a coworker of the Ministry Committee is CBCNC membership, i.e., the person should be a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, identify with the vision and mission statement of CBCNC and be appointed by the pastor (minister) and elder.
  3. Purpose:
    1. To lead the believers and unbelievers to worship God and commit themselves to God
  4. Duties:
    1. To plan activities and prepare the departmental budget for the following year.
    2. To organize and prepare for the proposed activity, including its warm-up and follow-up programs, such as the prayer meeting, invitation fellowship, and/or visitation
    3. To organize and call up the regular prayer meeting and fellowship meeting of department coworkers
    1. To organize meetings
      1. Sunday worship service (of adults)
      2. Communion (the Lord's supper/table)
      3. Baptismal class and service; to prepare the baptismal certificate
      4. Membership class; to prepare the membership certificate
      5. Funeral service
      6. To support other special meetings (church dinner, festival fellowship, evangelistic meeting, or revival meeting);
        1. the Fellowship Department is responsible for refreshment and believers follow-up,
        2. the Christian Education Department is to offer a list of brothers/sisters able to teach (from Sunday school teachers, or after consulting the minister and elder),
        3. the Evangelism Department for unbelievers follow-up,
        4. the Worship Department for moderator, ushers, pianist and song leader
      7. g. *The prayer meetings in the future
      8. h. Easter communion
      9. i. New Year Eve prayer meeting
    2. To organize the servers
      1. To recruit and train ushers, moderators, song leaders, *greeters
      2. For service to organize ushers (for all meetings), moderators (for all meetings), interpreter (for all meetings), pianist/musician (for all meetings), song leader assistants, *greeters (from Evangelism), and prepare Sunday bulletin (from Secretary)
      3. For communion to organize preparers (of cup and bread), and servers (including the cup collection)
      4. To schedule the servers, and distribute the schedule to the servers and the Finance Department (for speaker honorarium)
    3. Minister: To contact Sunday service guest speakers approved by Rev. 

章程 2009-09-13 B

  2014-2-17 13:12   

1. FORMED in the GWCBS prayer meeting on 9/13/2009

i. Coordinator – Core value, main contact, Semi-planning meet, Co-worker Training,
ii. Worship – Worship music, worship schedule
iii. Service –  Food arrangement (including monthly birthday cake)
iv. Transportation & Communication –  Transportation schedule, student contact list
v.  Education –  Course planning and coordination
vi. Finance – GWCBS fund management
vii. Fellowship – Activities planning and scheduling
ix.  Facility – Equipments set up and operation; IT, Photographer
x. Cleaning – Facility clean up
xi. Caring – Assist students to find resource when needed
xii. Secretary - Meeting minutes, Friday and monthly prayer meeting scheduling
xiii. GW coordinator - George Washington University
? xiii. CBC coordinator - Cherrydale Baptist Church


2. INPUTS of Tom, some may be repeated

* To plan and organize the activities including prayer meeting, promotion, visitation, warm-up and follow-up
* To recruit and train the coworkers and the future sub-coordinator
* Comfortable to invite students to help;  working together is a way to know each other

i. Coordinator – Core value, main contact, Semi-planning meet, Co-worker Training,
ii. Worship – Worship music, worship schedule
        -- Music archive
iii. Service –  Food arrangement (including monthly birthday cake)
        -- Utensil
iv. Transportation & Communication –  Transportation schedule, student contact list
        -- Student housing list
v.  Education –  Course planning and coordination
        -- Classes: new seekers, old seekers, new believers, old believers
        -- Leader/teacher training, classroom allocation
vi. Finance – GWCBS fund management
         -- Monthly financial report
vii. Fellowship – Activities planning and scheduling
         -- Jan KTV?, Feb ski, March Philly, (April cherry festival), May ISI/Bufallo, June early camping?,
         -- July CBC retreat, Aug (late) camping, Sep COM retreat (, late berry pick),
         -- Oct (early) apple pick, Nov autumn leaves, Dec (Christmas lighting,) Bridges conference
         -- Trips to Great Falls, Mt. Vernon, Williamsburg, VA space museum
         -- ? church retreat, church evangelistic meetings, church baptism service
         -- ? picnic, ktv, home dinner, cooking contest, July fireworks
         -- ?? Oct/Mar mid-term seasons
ix. Facility – Equipments set up and operation; IT, Photographer
x. Cleaning – Facility clean up
         -- Set up (chairs, tables, banners), clean up, restore; repair
xi. Caring – Assist students to find resource when needed

         -- Form networks: prayer net, home resource net, Internet contact net, contact net,
         -- Home dinner, little sports, shopping trip
         -- counseling; address book (name, phone, e-mail, housing); photo book
         -- To share the needs of individual student
         -- To know student life, personal life; share personal experience, the love and guide of Jesus
         -- To keep in touch
xii. Secretary - Meeting minutes, Friday and monthly prayer meeting scheduling
         -- Collect and post the personnel service schedule regarding worship, and transportation
         -- Quarterly ministry report, send it to our ministry sponsors
         ? GWCBS website, e-mail list
xiii. GW coordinator - George Washington University, campus contact
         -- Student e-mail list
? xiii. CBC coordinator - Cherrydale Baptist Church
         -- Sunday pickup to church



3.b. Current Activities, 09/24

* Fellowship
-- Recent : Sep 4 retreat, Sep 18 welcome party, Sep 19 Great Falls/James
-- Current : weekend dinner/James, dumpling/Tom, tennis/Tom/River House
-- Coming : Oct 3 Moon Festivel/NVBC, Oct apple pick/when?, Nov Thanksgiving, Dec Christmas/EBC

* Caring
-- Done : address book, http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Akc50xYszxb_dFVlYnNGX1R3Q1JEd0Ewek9mc1J1MWc&hl=en
    department duty, draft, http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AUc50xYszxb_ZGc4ZG54eF80OWc0ZDdyM2dy&hl=en
-- Current : phone calling/Tai-Li, Internet contact/Tom, e-mail contact/James
-- Coming : Pray for You net/who involved?

3.a. Duty Description, 09/16

vii. Fellowship – Activities planning and scheduling
         -- Feb ski, March Philly, May ISI/Bufallo, July CBC retreat, Aug camping
         -- Sep COM retreat, Oct apple pick, Dec Bridges conference
         -- Trips to Great Falls, Mt. Vernon, Williamsburg, VA space museum

xi. Caring – Assist students to find resource when needed
         -- Form networks: prayer net, home resource net, Internet contact net
         -- Home dinner, little sports, shopping trip
         -- counseling; address book (name, phone, e-mail, housing)
         -- To share the needs of individual student's needs
