Monday, September 17, 2012

e1916 RE:#1890, Why We Reject Jesus --(1)

2002/6/28 下午 08:03:07

>Why We Reject Jesus
>About 2000 years ago, Christians abandoned the law of Moses and began to worship a Galilean named Jesus of Nazareth.
>They encouraged their Jewish brethren to join them in idolatry.

They worshiped to no idol.
使 徒 行 傳 17:29 我 們 既 是   神 所 生 的 、 就 不 當 以 為   神 的 神 性 像 人 用 手 藝 、 心 思 、 所 雕 刻 的 金 、 銀 、 石 。 

>The answer was no, and unremitting Christian hostility became the norm. Jews rejected Jesus because of these claims of divinity.
>In addition, they refused to believe a dead man could be messiah, especially when he himself was not clear on this issue. Did Jesus believe himself to be the messiah?
>He did not (Matthew 22:41-46; Mark 12:35-37; Luke 20:41-44). He tacitly admitted he was not the messiah.

No, Jeusu did not admitted he was not the messiah.

馬 太 福 音 
22:41 法 利 賽 人 聚 集 的 時 候 、 耶 穌 問 他 們 說 、 
22:42 論 到 基 督 、 你 們 的 意 見 如 何 . 他 是 誰 的 子 孫 呢 。 他 們 回 答 說 、 是 大 衛 的 子 孫 。 
22:43 耶 穌 說 、 這 樣 、 大 衛 被 聖 靈 感 動 、 怎 麼 還 稱 他 為 主 . 說 、 
22:44 『 主 對 我 主 說 、 你 坐 在 我 的 右 邊 、 等 我 把 你 仇 敵 、 放 在 你 的 腳 下 。 』 
22:45 大 衛 既 稱 他 為 主 、 他 怎 麼 又 是 大 衛 的 子 孫 呢 。 
22:46 他 們 沒 有 一 個 人 能 回 答 一 言 . 從 那 日 以 後 、 也 沒 有 人 敢 再 問 他 甚 麼 

According to the flesh (Rom. 1:3), Jesus is the son of David, or the son of Joseph the descendant of David (Luke 3:23). Adoption refers to Gen. 16:2; 30:3; 48:5; Deut. 25:5-6.

>The gospels still call Jesus the son of David.
>To prove that he was the messiah, who was prophesied to be of the house of David.
>Both gospels give genealogies to try prove their point. Both fail miserably:

No, both do not fail.

>1. How many generations were from David to Jesus?
>Matthew lists 28 generations (1:6-16).
>Luke lists 43 generations (3:23-31)

The genealogies in the Bible are not recorded in the exact series of generations. There may be a gap between two generations recorded together (Gen. 10:21, KJV). 

馬 太 福 音 
1:1 亞 伯 拉 罕 的 後 裔 、 大 衛 的 子 孫 、 耶 穌 基 督 的 家 譜 . 〔 後 裔 子 孫 原 文 都 作 兒 子 下 同 〕 1:17 這 樣 、 從 亞 伯 拉 罕 到 大 衛 、 共 有 十 四 代 . 從 大 衛 到 遷 至 巴 比 倫 的 時 候 、 也 有 十 四 代 . 從 遷 至 巴 比 倫 的 時 候 到 基 督 、 又 有 十 四 代 。 
1:18 耶 穌 基 督 降 生 的 事 、 記 在 下 面 . 他 母 親 馬 利 亞 已 經 許 配 了 約 瑟 、 還 沒 有 迎 娶 、 馬 利 亞 就 從 聖 靈 懷 了 孕 。 

路 加 福 音 
3:23 耶 穌 開 頭 傳 道 、 年 紀 約 有 三 十 歲 . 依 人 看 來 、 他 是 約 瑟 的 兒 子 、 約 瑟 是 希 里 的 兒 子 、 
3:38 以 挪 士 是 塞 特 的 兒 子 、 塞 特 是 亞 當 的 兒 子 、 亞 當 是   神 的 兒 子 。 

>2. Matthew's genealogy includes Jeconiah(Jehoiachim), a wicked king cursed so that his descendents would never again sit on the throne (Jeremiah 22:24-30)

That is why Jesus becomes his descendant by the law or adoption, not by the blood.

>3. G-d vows that Jeconiah will be childless. Matthew mistakenly says that he bore Salatheil, an ancestor of Jesus.

"... AS IF childless" (Jer. 22:30)

========== end of part one

>Problems with Jesus?genealogies in Luke (ascribed to Mary by Christian tradition):
>1.Descent from Nathan: the messiah was only through Solomon.
>2.Tribal lineage in Jewish Law was always through the male, not the female.
>Paul knew about these problems and told his disciple Timothy not to pay attention to ndless genealogies."(1 Timothy 1:4) In other words, he told Timothy not to bother himself with the facts! 
>When the gospel's couldn't find verses, they made them up, like Matthew 2:23: "And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth; that it might be fulfilled...he shall be called a Nazarene." This verse exists nowhere in the Jewish scriptures.
>Jews always have been a problem for Christendom. Jesus' own people rejected him and survived to tell of it! Now 2000 years have passed, Jesus is not yet returned, and the Jews are triumphantly returned to their land. The Messiah will appear, the temple will be rebuilt, and Christianity will once and for all be proven false!
>The Jewish answer as to who Jesus was:
>What do the Rabbis say of Jesus? In Talmud Sanhedrin, Rabbi Eliezer says that Jesus was stoned and hung for idolatry and witchcraft, a tradition reflected in the Christian scriptures: 
>Acts 5:20: "Jesus whom ye slew and hanged on a tree."
>Acts 10:39: "whom they slew and hanged on a tree." 
>The Greek word xulom used here always means tree, not cross.
>The Jewish view of Jesus can basically be summed up as follows:
>Yeshu (Yeshua, Jesus) of Nazareth practiced sorcery and led people astray.
>He was an idolator and heretic who mocked the Rabbis.
>He was stoned/hung on the eve of Passover for his crimes by a Jewish, not a Roman court.
>The authors of the Talmud imply he was the son of an adultress , the hairdresser Mary (Miriam) and a soldier named Pandera/Panthere.
>That for 40 days before his execution a herald was sent out looking for those who would plead in his favor but could find no one to do so.
>The rabbis of that generation taught that Yeshu would have no share in the world to come.
>That he lived in the time of Maccabean king Alexander Jannai and his wife Salome a full 130 years before the date alluded to in the gospels (Sanhedrin107b).
>This tradition is reflected in the writings of church father Epiphanius who writes that Jesus began to preach during the time of King Jannai. (The Panarion-Against Heresies) While not pretty, this version makes more sense than the fantastical virgin birth story.
>The earliest of these Talmud sources date from a time well before the Gospels reached their final form.
>Indeed, many Gospel stories seem to be specific responsa to the Jewish picture of Jesus in the Talmud.
>Roman opponents of Christianity were familiar with the Jewish version early on (such as Celsus and Porphyry).
>In addition, church fathers such as Justin Martyr (1st Century CE), Celsus (2nd Century CE) and Epiphanius (3rd Century CE) wrote their polemical works in response to the rabbis.
>The arguments over Jesus intensified during these first three centuries of the common era until the church came to full power in 325 CE. At the Council of Nicaea in that year, a pagan Roman emperor, Constantine, made Christianity the official religion to shore up his tottering empire.
>This council deified Jesus, cutting the new religion off forever from its Jewish roots and incorporated elements of pagan cultss to win over their adherents.
>This mutated church began several centuries of persecution of its Jewish mother, censoring the sections of the Talmud that referred to Jesus and Christianity.
>Only within the last century have the censored parts been restored to printed versions of the Jewish Talmud.


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