Monday, September 17, 2012

e1936 RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:致Big兄

2002/6/30 下午 02:25:21

>>>Jesus implied that no man can be called good but you call me good because you would think I am God.
>>Therefore, Jesus did not want people to think he is God. 

a. ... but you call me good because you would think I am God, which is what I want people to think.
b. Jesus did not want people to think he is God, though Jesus is.

太 16:16 西 門 彼 得 回 答 說 、 你 是 基 督 、 是 永 生   神 的 兒 子 。 
太 16:20 當 下 、 耶 穌 囑 咐 門 徒 、 不 可 對 人 說 他 是 基 督 。 

>The question Jesus asked the man is actually a rhetorical question. It does not require an answer , but rather it is used as forceful statement equivalent to a negative one.

Since only God is good, and I am good, I am God.

可 10:17 耶 穌 出 來 行 路 的 時 候 、 有 一 個 人 跑 來 、 跪 在 他 面 前 問 他 說 、 良 善 的 夫 子 、 我 當 作 甚 麼 事 、 纔 可 以 承 受 永 生 。 
可 10:18 耶 穌 對 他 說 、 你 為 甚 麼 稱 我 是 良 善 的 . 除 了   神 一 位 之 外 、 再 沒 有 良 善 的 。 

>For instance, if one says, 'who doesn't know you are Taiwanese?", he doesn't require you to name one person who doesn't know you are. But rather, he is saying everyone knows you are Taiwanese.

Why do you call me good?
==> You do not call me good. -- but he did call him good master.

Why am I good?
==> I am not good. -- Then, maybe Jesus denies.

>Another instance is "Who knew he would die?"; this question is simply a statement that no one knew he would die.

Why do you call me good?
==> For no reason you call me good. 

Why am I good?
==> For no reason I am good. 

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