Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Spiritual Growth Plan 2002

  2014-2-17 13:51   

 2002-09 First Draft, 2002-12-13 revised 
A. How we live: 
... A1. What a disciple or believer should do: 
... A2. How a disciple become mature: 
B. What we teach, traditionally: 
... B1. TEACHING: 
... B2. PRAYER: 
... B4. SPEECH: 
C. What the Spirit helps us: 
D. How we deal with conflict: 
E. How we organize a ministry: 
F. Languages 
... F1. tones 
... F2. consonants/vowels 

    MT 28:18-20  18 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
  • A1.  What a disciple or believer should do:  go, make people (into) disciple, baptize them, teach them the commands of Jesus, and (guide them to obey) in company of Jesus.
  • A2.  How a disciple become mature:  be baptized, be taught, obey, go, make disciple, baptize, teach, and (teach to obey).  
      THREE phases: (a) be baptized, (b1) learn:  be taught and obey and repeat, (b2) make disciple:  go, make disciple, baptize, teach, and (teach to obey) and repeat.
  • B1.  TEACHING:  
    • (a) salvation to glorify God:  (a1) salvation of Jesus, (a2) prayer (response, thanksgiving, asking (John 15:15-16), praise, confession), ;  
    • (b) the Bible to witness in each area of daily life:  (b1.a) the commands (mutual love to demonstrate the discipleship (John 13:34-35), disciple amking), (b1.b) ways and thinking of Jesus; (b3) the Bible (how to read, the doctrines), ;  
    • (c) community to call the lost from different areas:  ways and thinking of God and believers;
  • B2.  PRAYER:  
    • (a) Recognize here is the holy creation of justice and compassion, and also the sinful world of suffering and attemptation.  
    • (b) Bring the prayer to the court of God;  sanctify the place and hour to God and prayer.  
    • (c) Pray for the strength in which we believe and hope, for the glory in which God demonstrates his justice, maercy and power, and for the stewardship in which we surrender all and commit ourselves.
    • (d) commit for justice,
  • B3.  PREACHING:  
    • (a) outside-in = creation, sin, faith, salvation, glory;  
    • (b) inside-out =  temptation/test, judgment/selection, repentance/submission, life;  
    • (c) design =  theme, sub-areas; illustration, application; calling;  
    • (d) explain the text;  apply the text to the congregation and to a group of people;  apply the text to my suffering and to my ministry.  
    • (e) revival:  (e1) God/word, man/sin, life/glory;  (e2) history/reasoning, drama/dialog (receive, question, answer, comment),
  • B4.  SPEECH:  
    • (a) voice =  abdomen/belly filled, chest sounding, mouth projecting;  
    • (b) emotion =  delight/joy, sad/sin, serious/fear;  
    • (c) gesture = eyes/head, hands/body;  
    • (d) intonation = (d1) slow/fast, high/low, loud/quiet, stressed/soft,  (d2) change,  (d2-a) FAST: slows-fast => fasts-slow,  (d2-b) HIGH/STRESS: rises-fall;  (d2-c) LOUD: introduction/heading*, turning, conclusion, slogan*;
  • B5.  SALVATION:  
    • (a) person:  faith to truth => hope/salvation to God => love/service to man;  
    • (b) group:  Christ as start => members as body => holiness as function;  
    • (c) When a person becomes saved:  Need a saving God, Face the human limitations, Desire a absolute world;  
    • (d) What is the basics about salvation:  God loves, Man sins, Christ redeems, Faith saves, Life changes.  
    • (e) original gospel = saved by sacrifice and submission from judgment;  false gospel = glorify man by partial truth;  
    • (f) false testimony = violate self-denial and disciple-making of Jesus;  good testimony = salvation and commitment;  
  • (a) the Spirit lives in us (John 14:17), pray for us (Rom. 8:23), remind us (John 14:26), make things known to us (John 16:13; Eph. 1:18);  
  • (b) we should live by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25), and bear the FRUITS of Spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, Gal. 5:22-33).
D. How we deal with conflict: 
  • (a) Appeal to God, hold hope, be humble (for sin nature), walk in the path of God, speak in love and slowly.  
  • (b) We come to SERVE: serve as messenger to the lost, serve as stewdard in the plan of God.  We will be SAVED by God, be lifted up from our sin and suffering, and be united in Christ.  
  • (c) God's justice, mutual submission, repenting prayer;  
  • (a) vision of God and the tratget, regulations, plan (recruitment, preparation, traning, promotion, orientation, review).  There should be one and only one appointed to be in charge of a project.  
  • (b) FOUR keywords for procedure:  plan (prepare), gather, revive, and send (follow up).  
  • (c) THREE keywords for preparation:  know (truth), give (share the received), and serve (humbly). 
  • (d) Organization =  signals, delegations;  
  • (e) Benefited targets =  generated, rotating;  
  • (f) Selection =  God, man, community/church;  
  • (g) Meetings =  prayer/exalt, training/disciple, preaching/evangelize.
  • (h) Communication =  (h1) vision (past, present, furutre), truth (Bible, regulations, mission), submission;  (h2) calculate and then express, listen and then help, correct but not force from the Bible, follow and then lift the given regulations;  (h3) COMPASSION = teach (nurish), make a biblical model (serve/track), heal by self-sacrifice (carry);  
  • (i)
  • F1.  tones = (a) high-middle-low;  (b) rise-level(if stop)-fall(if stress); (c) stress-soft-stop(as level);  
    • F1a.  STOP = TWN:  p,t,k,h, CNT (Cantonese): p,t,k;  MND:  h
    • F1b.  ENG (English) = stressed///high-stress, second/\/middle-stress, soft/x/high-soft,
    • F1c.  TWN (Taiwanese) = 1/x/high-level, 2///high-fall-stress, 3/\/middle-fall-stress, 4/t/middle-stop, 
      5/-/middle-level, 6///high-fall, 7/v/middle-rise, 8/|t/high-stop,
    • F1d.  MND (Mandarin) = 1/x/middle-level, 2///middle-rise, 3/v/low-rise, 4/\/high-fall-stress, 5/*/middle-stop,
  • F2.  consonants/vowels = (a) initials;  (b) vowels;  (c) finals
    • INITIALS = lip (m, b, bv), teeth (f/v, th/dh, l* (middle-tongue), ), 
      hard-plate (tip-tongue= h, n, t/d, ts/dz, s/z;  middle-tongue= sh/ch, sur/zur, dzr/tsr/sr/zr), 
      soft-plate (k/g, kh, ng, C+ng), semi-vowels (y, w, r)
    • VOWELS = hard-plate/tip-tongue/front-jaw (long-vowles; aa, ee, ii, oo, uu, uur, ), 
      soft-plate/middle-tongue/rear-jaw (short-vowels; a*, ae, e, i, o, u, oe, ue;  ur, ),
    • FINALS = nasal (m,n,ng), vowel (i,u, r), stop (p,t,k,h)
    • ENG = n/hard-plate, ng/soft-plate;  ae/e/i/o/u, aa/ee/ii/oo/uu, ai/au/yu/yo
    • TWN = n/hard-plate, ng/front-jaw;  a/e/i/o/u, ol, wa/we/au;  without oe;  C-ng- (C-n-)
    • MND = n/hard-plate, ng/rear-jaw;  a/e/i/o/u, oe, ai/ei/au/ou
  • F3.  

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