Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Three E Church 2000

  2014-2-17 14:08   

#vision, a1, church pt3, 3 growth in 3 goals, 2000-11-30 B.htm



Individual Spiritual Growth 

Interpersonal Spiritual Growth


Church Developing Growth

*  This is the raw English version.  Because of time limit the good English is not adopted.  Furthermore, this is made in Netscape Composer 4.5.  If any question, please email to Tom Hsu at tom.hsu@erols.com.

Individual Spiritual Growth  <Go to top>

unbelievers into believers
1. Evangelizedreached by individual, cell group, outreach program 
                2. Edifiedtold and recognize about the gospel in the meeting or by individual 
                        i. gospel: sin/death, Christ/Redeemer, God/Ruler 
                                3. Exaltedjustified/adopted through repentance and accepting Christ 
                                            i. baptized as commanded, enrolled into a church
                                4. Exaltingworship/praise, prayer/obedience(submission) 
                                            i. thanksgiving: festivals, offering 
              5. Edifyingeducation = meeting, Bible study 
                        5a. learn/teach in Sunday school, Bible study 
                                i. Faith class: worship/commitment; salvation, church/ministries 
                                ii. Bible class: teaching/truth; Bible, theology 
                                iii. Issues class: skills/applications; life/family, evangelism 
                        5b. serve/practice/witness in ministries, secular life 
                                i. teaching ministry: Bible study, train, counsel 
                                ii. caring ministry: visit, pray, share, witness, 
                                iii. administration ministry: organize/coordinate, communicate/mediate 
                        5c. able to lead, counsel, grow biblically; learn, apply/witness, lead 
6. Evangelizingoutreach in contact, giving/caring/counseling, inviting, followup 

Interpersonal Spiritual Growth  <Go to top>

preparation into fellowship
1. Exaltedpray = prayer meeting/partner, cell group 
                2. Edifiedstudy = cell group/fellowship, conference/workshop 
                                3. Evangelizingconform = ministry/serve, life/apply, 
                                            i. external/blessing: witness, joy, peace 
                                            ii. internal/truth: faith, love, hope 
                                            iii. life: surrender/grateful, pursue/revive, share/evangelize
                                4. Evangelizedconversion/mission/contact = 
                                            i. outreach, evangelistic meeting 
                5. Edifyingeducation/growth = 
                        i. Sunday school, Sunday preaching 
                        ii. cell group/fellowship, personal discipleship 
6. Exaltingpraise = worship, cell groups, choir/drama

Church Developing Growth  <Go to top>

sowing into harvest
1. Edifypreaching/sanctuary/God = 
        i. direction: Sunday sermon, Sunday school 
        ii. equipment: teachers, counselors 
               2. Exaltprayer/church/believers = cell group 
                                3. Evangelizeevangelism/world/unbelievers = 
                                        i. evangelistic meeting, gospel station, good Samaritan 
                                        ii. missionaries, mission organization, literature, radio/TV 
                                        iii. message: God/peace, holiness/good, salvation/healing
                                4. Evangelizedfellowship/believers = discipleship, cell group 
                5. Exaltmission/churches = church planting, Christ-centered culture 
6. Edifycommitment/workers = professional commitment


#vision, church, 3G and 3I, 00-12-05 B.htm
A 3-G church of 3-I families have emphasis on church planting.
In the following [ex]/[ed]/[ev] stand for exalt/edify/evangelize.

A 3-G church has
    [ex] GOALS: [ex] exalt, [ed] edify, and [ev] evangelize,
            or, God, believers, and unbelievers,
            or, more believers, more workers, and more churches;
            or, salvation, spiritual gifts, and outreach;
    [ed] GROUPS: discipleship, cell groups, fellowships, and Sunday school
            where three types of classes in SS are Faith, Bible and Issues;
    [ev] GROWTHS: [ex] personal, [ed] interpersonal, and [ev] church,
            or, into believer/conversion, into group/study, into harvest/mission,
            or, festival, retreat, and evangelistic.
A 3-I family has
    [ex] INDIVIDUALS: [ex] prayer, [ed] Bible, and [ev] witness/sharing;

    [ed] INVESTMENTS: [ex] devoting, [ed] teaching, and [ev] caring;
    [ev] IMPACTS: known, recognized, and separating;

The chart is: ((((  God)   [ex] church)   [ed] families)   [ev] community)
    where the church gathers families to worship God,
    and equips families to evangelize the community.

A family-centered church on church planting
through Bible study and believer equipment.

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