Wednesday, September 5, 2012

RE: Wahaha

RE: Wahaha
原討論主題基督教 vs 天主教?

> I am not talking about 順服. I am talking about the text that could be basic/evidence for anyone who had special 「本質」or「地位」. The main point is that all people (Except the Jesus Christ) in the world including 瑪利亞should not have any special 「本質」or「地位」. All should be based on the truth of Bible.

已經舉例說明了: 聖經把丈夫﹑父母﹑主人放在特殊的地位﹐還有先知與使徒也是。

> The main point is 「不能錯」的特權. I am not talking about 長老會和浸信會 「No 錯」. I think everyone in the world (Except the Jesus Christ) have the chance of 錯. That is why 教宗的「不能錯」的特權 is very 錯. And I already said: If they 宣佈「their XX無誤論」, I also point our their 錯.

有哪一個宗派會說: 「我們的信仰告白是經不起時間的考驗﹐有一天聖經會說: 你們錯了」﹖
請問: 惟獨信心是不是「不能錯」﹖
你可能說: 這個是根據聖經。教宗也說: 我的教導也是根據聖經。
你可能說: 惟獨信心也可能錯。那麼﹐沒有東西可以肯定的﹐請問還有真理嗎﹖

2006/8/18 下午 02:58:40

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