Tuesday, September 4, 2012


作者: Big(耶穌愛你) 看板: COBS
標題: 希伯來文文法
時間: Thu Oct 14 23:25:39 2004

A. 很抱歉, 近來貼了許多聖經語言的文法資料,
1. 因為自己的電腦常死掉, 所以變相地存放在這裡也好, 
2. 也因為既然 COBS 也重視聖經原文, 所以原文的文法是需要加進來, 
3. 雖然 COBS 有原文教室, 但是偏重於閱讀和字型分析,
4. 也因為我的學術背景不強, 貼來這裡亮相就行了,

B. 為了使 COBS 有比較嚴謹的文法參考資料, 
1. 雖然先前做個文法簡介, 
後來必須要加上經節, 後來又要比較精簡文法與明細文法的差異,
所以還是要拿出文法書, 先抄錄, 再論述, 
2. 但是手上只有英文參考書, 而且不多, 離神學院也遠, 
只能先抄錄, 再翻譯(翻譯一本書,其餘類似的書籍就不翻譯), 
再比對文法書之間的差異, 再比對我的心得和文法書之間的差異, 

C. 下面希伯來文文法大部份是抄錄自 "An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax",
(也有很厚的希臘文文法書, 其中論述希臘文的演進, 和字義的演進就佔一大半), 
我從前整理得還不錯, 只是是英文的, 而且格式也亂了, 
我繼續調格式, 然後翻譯成中文, 也會再修定當中一些資料, 
只是很長, 要做很久,

D. 無論是希伯來文或希臘文的文法, 都很龐大, 
我力求精簡, 也是因為懶惰, 也是因為不同意文法書裏一些看法, 
花了幾年在文法書和原文聖經上比對, 得到一些心得, 放在文法簡介裏, 
但是過去沒有紀錄, 所以現在必須彌補起來, 才不至於使這些心得做廢, 

E. 我的文法簡介只是期望幫人, 能夠很快抓住各詞類的基本意義和用法, 
否則, 看到下面希伯來文完成式和不完成式千變萬化的用法, 
會覺得希伯來文的翻譯真是抓襟見肘, 翻譯永遠有漏洞問題, 


Appendix:  Brief Hebrew Syntax According to IBHS 


I.  Clauses
 A.  Word Order

II.  Verbs
 A.  Suffix
 B.  Prefix
 C.  Waw-Suffix
 D. Waw-Prefix
 E.  Participle
 F.  Infinitive Absolute
 G.  Infinitive Construct
 H.  Imperative
 I.  Jussive
 J.  Cohortative

II.  Nouns
 A.  Nominative
 B.  Genitive
 C.  Accusative
 D.  Numbers
 E.  Demonstratives
 F.  Independent Personal Pronouns
 G.  Apposition

 [IBHS] O’Connor, M.; Bruce K. Waltke. An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990
  [Seow] Seow, Choon Leong. A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press. 1995 rev.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

 Word Order  [IBHS 8.3b]

(1) verbal class [8.3b]; VSO, Verb Subj Obj;  
 verb subject (VS):  
  no introductory, 
  waw-relative (consecutive), 
  with adverbial waw-disjunctive, 
  waw noun verb
  waw-adversative (in contrast), 
  of waw-disjunctive
 Syntax of the Verbal Clause [Seow  13.4]
  a.  normal word order (NWO)  [.a]
   Circumstance + Verb + Subject + Indirect Object + Direct Object
   * IO usually led by preposition l] or -la, 
  b.  disrupted word order (DWO) in the prose  [.b]
   i.  a new subject
   ii.  in parenthetical comments starting with waw
   iii.  for emphasis
   iv.  sharp contrast

(2) verbless (or nominal) class [8.4]:  
 (a substantive (N) and another expression except a verb)[.a] 
 to identify subject: definite subject + definite predicate
 to classify subject: indefinite predicate + definite subject; S-P-IPP [16.3.3d; 8.4.2b]
 rarely, P-S, or P-pronoun-S [16.3.3d, p299]
 less predictable:  predicate with suffix; subordinate or precative clause  [.1a] 
 subject-predicate (SP): identification, interrogative, declaration [.a]
 S-pleo-Pred (pleo = pleonastic or dummy pronoun; copula [16.3.3a]), or
 Foc-S-pred (“as for Focus, ...” [16.3.3b]; unique subject/focus [16.3.3c])

 Suffix  [IBHS 30]

Suffix: single, Prefix: durative [.1d]
Lexical Variation [30.2.1]:
 ingressive/beginning, constative/continuing, telic/end
Syntactic Variation [30.2.2]: as a single whole
Qal:: [30.2.3a]
Fientives: state of activity, dynamic, different phases
Statives: state of being
durative state [.2.3b]
Perfect state [30.3a]: related to a preceding situation, or a continuing later situation
[.3b] Simple and Perfect are blended in Suffix.  No time of tense involves in Suffix.
Time reference: [30.4]
past (completed),  present (single + imperfective, habitual),  future (complete and independent)
* Species on fientives [30.5.1]
past-time [.5.1b]: 
definite (x), 
ingressive (x...), 
constative (---), 
complex (...  ..), 
telic (...x); 
recent perfect (x..|), 
indefinite perfect, 
unique perfect in indefinite past (in question or negation)
present-time [.5.1c]: 
persistent (perfect), 
instantaneous/of resolve/epistolary
absolute future [.5.1e]: 
persistent (extensive from present), 
accidental (complete a and independent), 
prophetic (of confidence)
perfect state [30.5.2]:  past pf (pluperfect), present pf, future pf
* Species on statives [10.5.3]
past-time [30.5.3b]: 
telic (...x), 
ingressive (x...), 
constative (---)
present-time [.5.3c]: 
adjectival (be adj), 
* Species on irreal mood [30.5.4]
contrary-to-fact (then-clause uses suffix), 
hypothetical assertion, 
precative (of prayer)

 Prefix  [IBHS 31]

values [.1.a]: to signify: imperfective, or dependent situation
dependent on other situation; their will; contingent uses [.1.b]
* past-time [31.2]: 
customary (imperfective, iterative) (---; used to, would), 
incipient (initial and continuing) (x---; began)
* present-time [31.3]: 
progressive (customary-like), 
stative (non-changing; complement of suffix), 
-- participle: continuing (31.2c), dynamic (31.3c) --
* Modal uses [31.4]:  subjective judgment (tense: absolute temporary relationship) [.a]
capability (can), 
possibility (may), 
desire (will, wish, want to);
permission (may), 
deliberation (should, in question), 
obligation (should)
(tense: absolute temporal relationship;
mood: subjective judgment [.a])
* Volitional uses [31.5]: 
(prefix: legislation;  imperative: urgent [34.4a])
injunction [.b], 
instruction [.c], 
prohibition [.d]
* further Contingent uses [31.6]:
contingency with particles [.1] (irreal modal; with “if,” “if only,”
future time [.2] (real;  logical consequence, specific future), 
past time with particles [.3]
(a future-temporal or logical consequence; uninterrupted [.b])

 Waw-Suffix  [IBHS 32]

signify succession (temporal or logical) [32.1.3a]
subordinate to a primary verb [32.1.3e]:
epexegetical (with imperfective, in past or present), 
consequential (logical and/or temporal/chronological, [32.2a])
weqtlti has the values of the prefix
logically contingent, temporal sequence; (future), final, or consecutive meaning [32.2a]
waw-consecutive, waw-apodosis [32.2b]
* after Prefix [32.2.1]:
apodosis [.b], 
(con)sequential [.c]  (expansive of protasis/if and/or apodosis/then), 
(con)sequential [.d]
(waw-consecutive; with:  imperfective, modal, legislational, volitional, future, telic)
with anticipatory [.e] (independent rv,a-clause;  a resumptive pronoun in the main clause)
* after Volitional [32.2.2]:  consequent (logical and/or chronological), 
with volitional, imperative
* after Suffix [32.2.3]
consequent [.a]: apodosis, volitional (after qtl/basis)
epexegetical:  constative, as a single (after qtl/past)
apodosis-waw [.b]
simple (con)sequential [.c]: 
after qtl representing:  
past-time, recent past or present perfect, stative, epistolary, 
of resolve, accidental future
subordinate volitional force, in legal literature [.d]
(subordinate) epexegetical, after qtl/past [.e]
impf, customary, contemporary
pf, specific/punctual, sequential
* with Non-Finites [32.2.5]

* Copulative [32.3]
be identified by [.a]:  stress (1st sg, 2nd masc sg), semantics

 Waw-Prefix  [IBHS 33]

varieties of connection [33.2]
[.a] successive (absolute, subjective), subordinate;
objective/temporal, subjective/chronological;
explanatory/pluperfect;  epexegetical/development
* Succession [.1a]:  temporary/chronological, logical, summary [33.2.1d]
* Epexegesis [.2a]:  explains the former situation, particulars/details, component/concomitant
[.2b] specific/concrete events, simultaneous
* Pluperfect [.2.3]
* after Circumstantial phrases and clauses [.2.4]
subjectively possesses a complementary perfective value [33.3a]
* after Suffix [33.3.1]
past-time [.a]:  
indefinite, (question in pf form)
unique definite
present [.b]: (the same time),  
perfect state [.c]:  
present perfect, 
* after Short  Prefix  [33.3.2]: 
(subordinate logically, temporally, epexegetically)
* after Prefix [33.3.3]: (con)sequential, explanatory
past-time [.b]:  definite;  (after za, stative, incipient)
present-time [.c]: (the same time), 
persistent (after present progressive),
gnomic (after habitual)
* with Non-finite [33.3.5]

 Participle  [IBHS 37]

four functions [.1c]:  substantive (rarely passive participle), adjective, relative (adj + pred), predicate
- participle [.1d]:  linear; continuous; duration without progress; to prolong; not broken, repetitive, to multiply
Substantival use [37.2]: as noun or partcp [.a]; a matter of the deportment and action, temporarily [.b]
Accusative and Genitive [37.3]:  partcp [.a]: as genitive to noun, accusative to verbs; may with suffix
* absolute state [.b]: + accusative object, adverbial accusative, prepositional phrase; 
* construct state [.c]: + object, genitive, prepositional phrase,
- object [.d]: with obj in acc/gen, with suffix in acc/gen; 
- blur [.e] between with gen and with acc;  gen: more enduring, acc/prep: more transitory
definiteness [.e]
Verbal (Adjectival)
Adjectival use [37.4]: attributive, predicate [.a]; 
active partcp: relative/attributive [.b];  passive partcp: attributive/predicate [.c];  inchoatic [.e]
Relative use [37.5]: 
- (contemporary time); ); agree in definiteness; indefinite sense (whoever, all those)
* independent [.a]: subject (whoever), casus pendens (him who), predicate of verbless (he that, one that), object (one V-ing, all that, them)
- generic indefinite sense with article [.c] ; definite partcp refers to quality (whoever)
* dependent: attributive ([.d]; definiteness exception [.b]), prepositional phrase.
no time/aspect,  contemporary or overlapping [.e];  negated by @yae, alo,  as vyE used [.f]
Predicate use [37.6]
- "one who V" -> be V-ing; close to prefix; durative circumstance
of a verbless clause [.a]: its subject: independent pronoun, suffix with  vyE or @yae ;
as prefix: a durative circumstance, the ongoing state, repeated action, in the background, contemporaneous, in causal clauses; 
not modal (/temporal [.e]) or volitional action [.b], not with a distinct time reference [.c]
* past state [.d]: circumstance (while, as), simultaneity (while), ongoing state (repeated, continuous), repeated or continuous action
- with hnh: immediate.  with &leho : a long term state
* present time [.e]: continuing (not iterative), circumstantial (where, when)/relative, durative/repeated
* future [.f]: certainty, often with immanency; temporal/condition, with hyh 
Use with finite verbs [37.7]
with hyh [37.7.1]
hyh as independent verb; partcp as substantives or adjectives [.a]; 
hyh as aspectual and/or modal; partcp : past/perfect/future/jussive progressive [.b]
hyh: temporal “at just that time,” aspectual/inchoative “began to”
periphrastic construction [.c]: hyh + partcp; as perfective verb; maybe durative or frequentative, instantaneous or unique
In association with finite verb [37.7.2]
followed by prefix, as prefix, followed by waw-relative suffix with epexegetical in the present time or (con)sequential in future time
Uses of the participle  [Seow 8.4]
a. The participle is a verbal adjective,  As a verb, it usually suggests continuous occurrence of an activity (a state of affair).  Tense must be inferred from context.  Translated as "be doing, does, did, be going to do, be about to do."  Serving like predicate adjective, agrees with noun in gender and number
b. Serving like an attributive adjective, agrees in number, gender, and definiteness.  positioned after the noun it modifies.  Translated as (the definite noun:) "the N, the doing one" or "a/the N who does"
c. substantive noun.  Translated as "Doing, One who does, or Do-er"
d. indefinite subject, translated as "(someone) does"

 Infinitive Absolute  [IBHS 35]

non-finite verbs: infintive (action or situation), participle (actor or patient); no aspect [.1a]
Nominal Uses [35.3]
Absolute Complement [.3.1]:  (with cognate verb)
- paronomastic [.b]: inf-a shares the verbal root and stem of finite verb
emphasizes the force of the verb in the context; intensifying inf with perfective: certainty; with non-perfective (irreality and volition): was/is/will take place
absolute or intensifying inf [.d]; prepositive (maybe intensification), postpositive (maybe continuation or repetition)
* affirmation [.f]: prepos, contrast, of a pair, qualify; “surely, indeed”
; climax of a series, postpos (“even”)
* intensifying [.g]: prepos, in passioned question of doubt or improbability, conditional clause, counterfactual expression; modal
* command: affirmation and volition: orders and admonitions: prepos with prefix, postpos with imperative [.h]
to intensify the root situation; to stress a negation or a relevant time (“
just”) [.i]
Adverbial Complement (or infinitive [35.3.2a]) [35.3.2]
-non-paronomastic; qualify the verb, describe the manner or attendant circumstance [.a]
compound of intensifying/paronomastic and adverbial/non-paronomastic: continuance, continuous action, repetition of action; simultaneous or quasi-simultaneous [.b]
with verb of motion:  repetition or continuance; usually postpos [.c]
the goal or character of the verb [.d]
others [35.3.3]
as subject, subject/predicate of verbless; object of preposition, genitive in construct [.a]
as accusative: D.O., adv-acc of state or specification (not attendant circumstance), double acc [.b]
Adverbial Uses [35.4]:  (mostly Hiphils) become (real) adverb; can modify the adv-inf [.a]
Verbal Uses [35.5]:  stand for other verb form [.a]
As a command form [.1]
as command, interjection; in older Hebrew; divine and/or prophetic commands: legislative command, divine command, legislative jussive
As a finite form [.2]
without conjunction: cohortative, jussive, perfective, non-perfective, proverbial: in direct speech [.a]
as interjection: exclaiming; emphatic expression, indignant question; blur between interjection use and adverbial use [.a]
with conjunction: continues a preceding finite verb (later language) [.b]; expression of a desire for variation, expect a transition [.c]; without waw: the same situation, with waw: subordinate to the leading verb; inf used with perfective, non-perfective, jussive, weqtl, wayyqtl, participle, inf-const [.d]
As a Participle [.3]:  Adv-acc; verbless
As an infinitive construct [.4]:  as a verbal complement, with waw: as a preceding infinitive construct [.a]

Use of the Infinitive Absolute  [Seow 22.3]
a. a verbal noun
b. before (may after) a cognate verb to emphasize the certainty or decisiveness (certainly, surely)
c. after cognate imperative to intensify (really)
d. two different infinitives:  cognate-1 inf-1 W inf-2, to indicate a simultaneous action (V-ing), continuance (continually)
e. a substitute for an imperative (in narrative sequence)
f. concurrently with the main verb (w-inf)
-- hNehi (Lo, Behold), present, immediacy, circumstances: Here [Seow 9.5b]
-- an: I (We) pray, please; command, will; entreaty, exhortation; untranslated [Seow 18.6]

 Infinitive Construct  [IBHS 36]

ordinary Hebrew infinitive, verbal noun [36.1.1a]
true infinitive [36.1.2a], 
verbal noun (nominal use) (used absolutely, in construct, with suffix without add obj or prep phrase)
verbal predicator (with object or preposition, mostly after l)
Nominal Uses [36.2]
Syntactic features [.1]
case frame, definiteness [.a]; 
nominal: subject/predicate in verbless, masculine [.b]; after preposition, noun construction, with D.O. [.c]; 
accusative [.d]: as object or adverbial; as goal word, verbal complement; adverbial (place, time, manner, etc.), adv- acc
definite: with suffix, or article lKo [.e]
[.f] substantive as unmarked forms; active inf may have a passive sense
negation [.g]
with prepositions [36.2.2]
in place of a subordinate clause; temporal clause; commonly with prep l; 
temporal, causal, final or result (so as to), separative (so that... will), concessive [.b]
temporal: prep B] (proximity), prep K] (immediately preceding time)
separative in @m, concessive in l[
prep B: temporal, causal;  l[: causal, concessive;  @m: temporal, causal, separative
with the preposition l [36.2.3]
- maybe similar to without prep or with other prep [.a]
noun [.b]: 
subject in verbless or with hyh, as verbal complement [.d] (to complete the verb); 
- rarely as adverbial after noun; 
purpose: blur between purpose inf and complementary inf [.d]
- its subject
result: consequence of main verb; 
temporal: a point in time or an extent in time, or spatial reference; period of time drawing near or being completed
gerundive, explanatory, epexegetical: explain a preceding action [.c] (“
by, in”)
modal: in verbless, with vye or @yae; possibility or permission, obligation or permission [.f]
immanent: non-perfective; about to happen; in verbless, with hyh to the past [.g]
Verbal Uses [36.3]
Syntactic Features [36.3.1]
with subject only (so that), object only (to v), preposition only (when); rarely with both subject and objet;
its object: unmarked, after ta, with preposition
As a finite form [36.3.2a]:  as finite verb; (explain, describe the same situation)
successive to finite (with prep l) or participle (with suffix); continued by a finite

Use of the Infinitive Construct  [Seow 23.3]
a. a verbal noun
b. after l to express intention
c. after l to elaborate or and clarify a preceding statement, sometimes
d. after l to indicate an event that is about to happen, sometimes
e. (loosely) after B] or K] as temporal clause

 Imperative  [IBHS 34.4]
volition of second person: positive> imperative, non-perfective; negative> jussive with la, non-perfective with al [.a]
imperative: urgent, demanding immediate/specific action.  non-perfective: regulation, legislative [.a]
* direct command, grant permission, request, wish, sarcastic [.b]
* heterosis: promise, prediction [.c]

Jussive  [IBHS 34.3]
(1) from a superior: command;  (2) to the divine realm: benediction, malediction;  (3) rhetoric  [.a]
* the volitional of a superior: command, exhortation, counsel, invitation/permission [.b]
* second-person jussive: order [.b]
* jussive of an inferior: urgent request, prayer, request for permission [.b]
* benediction, malediction [.c]

Cohortative  [IBHS 34.5]
more complexities than the jussive and the imperative [.a]
* (a) direct volition: wish, request, command, [.a]
* (b) indirect volitive: purpose, result [.a]

 Nominative  [IBHS 8.3a]

subject [4.4], 
predicate of verbless clauses (the nominal clause), 
nominative absolute [4.7b] (as for N-Abs), 
vocative [8.3d, 4.7d] (in apposition to the 2nd person [12.3a])

Genitive  [IBHS 9.5] (Construct + Genitive)

subjective [.1]: (genitive has a verbal quality)
of agency [.b]  (G does C=verb), 
of authorship [.c]  (G writes/speaks C), 
of instrument [.d]  (C=verb/adj with/by G), 
abstract subjective [.e]  (C=suffix G=verb)
subjective [.1]: (genitive has non-verbal quality)
temporal [.f]  (C=time of G=verb), 
possessive [.g]  (G owns C), 
of inalienable possession [.h]  (C is a part of G), 
of relation [.i]  (G=one C=rel social position),
of quality [.j]  (G=one C=quality), 
partitive [.k]  (C is divided from G)
adverbial [.2]: 
objective [.b]  (C=pt/verb G=obj), 
of effect [.c]  (C causes/produces G;  cf. of authorship), 
of a mediated object [.d]  (C does to/by/with G;  cf. of instrument), 
of advantage [or disadvantage] [.e]  (C=verb for/against/due to G=obj)
of location [.f]  (C is at/toward G=place)
adjectival [.3]: 
attributive [.b]  (G=adj/character C), 
epexegetical [.c]  (C=adj G), 
of substance [.d]
material [.d]  (C is made of G), 
topical [.e]  (C is written about G), 
of measure [.f]  (G is measured in C=num/all),
inter-relationship [.3g]: 
of species [.g]  (class G with of G), 
of association [.h]  (C [of] G=place/name;  cf. epexegetical), 
of genus [.i]  (sg C belongs to class G=group), 
superlative [.j]  (pl G is cognate with sg C)

 Accusative  [IBHS 10.2]

objective [.1]: 
direct object [.c], 
effected object [.f] (cognate: effect, result, cognate), 
internal object [.g] (cognate: expression/manner: with Acc)
non-cognate internal), 
complement [.h] (Adj of + Acc), 
dative [.i] (to/prep. Acc) 
adverbial [.2]: 
of place [.b],  location, goal, origin
of time [.c], 
of state [.d], 
of manner [.e], 
of limitation (as far as Acc), 
of specification (as to, of Acc),
double [.3]: 
not with Piel-Hiphil forms [.b] 
(DO/one+datival, t
DO+means/medium [.d]), 
with D-H [.e] 
(one+definite (mostly), 

Accusative Markers  [IBHS 10.3-5]
tae -ta, tao DDO (definite, mostly), with compl/datival, time/place/limitation
rc,a} tae the one which/who, that-clause
 (rarely) the subject, with prep l/...
l] to, toward; at, near; into, belonging to
 (definite) DDO; datival acc, pron DO
h- to/at, -ward; direction, locale; progressive thru time
other prep for certain verbs, [IBHS 10.2.1d]
object suffixes

 Numbers  [IBHS 7]

singular [7.2]
countables [.1a], collectives [.1b] (conventional [.1c]: singular form;  non-conventional [.1d]: pl form but means sg) (a group of the same kind)
class [.2] (a particular class or group, even without the article): enumerations (all/every+, number+), quality, gentilic;
repetition [.3]: distributive [.3b], diversity [.3c], emphasis
dual [7.3]
natural pair [.b], metaphorical use, countable units of measurement and time [.c]
plural [7.4]
countables [.1a], collectives [.1b] (result; cf. singular, composition), extensions [.1c] (quality, multiplicity, greatness, enormousness), complex inanimate [.1e];  repetition: emphasis;
abstract [.2]: qualities [.1a], stateS, conditionS [.1b], a repeated series of actions or a habitual behavior [.1c]
honorifics [.3]: intensive [.a], honorific (God) [.b]
[Seow 24.6a] numerals:
"one" is attributive, agrees in gender and definiteness; subst in const w/ plural abs noun
"two" may be substantive, constructive, or apposition, agrees in gender
"three - ten" preposition, sg-- pl noun, female-- male noun, male-- female noun

Demonstratives  [Seow 10.1b]

-- it points to someone or something to make that referent
i.  as an adjective, it stands in the final position.  A third person independent pronoun
(3rd IPP) may be used emphatically.  Translated as (definite noun:) "the N, the very one" or "that N"
ii.  as pronoun: precedes the predicate/complement
iii.  The repetition of the same demonstrative may indicate reciprocity or contrast.
Translated as "one ... another" or " this one ... that one"

Independent Personal Pronouns  [Seow 9.1b]

i.  the subject of a verbless clause 
ii.  for emphasis, "the one, the very one, that one", the DO or IO
iii.  the third person pron. : "the same, the before-mentioned, that"
iv.  3ms, 3fs :  explanation or clarification, "that is"
v.  change of the speaker or actor, in parenthetical comments

Apposition  [IBHS 12]
- a certain one, no other [.2a]
- form-matter/identity, substance-accident, universal-particular [.2b]
N1-N2 [12.3] sorted [.b], quality/character [.c], material [.c], measure/measured [.d], office/relationship [.e], repeated prep/ta (N+name) [.f]
pron(suffix)-N [12.4]
repetitive (N1-N1) [12.5a]: distributive, diverse, emphatic
pron(suffix)-IPP [16.3.4]: IPP/emphatic; IPP-pron: IPP/Nom Abs

  [IBHS] O’Connor, M.; Bruce K. Waltke. An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew Syntax. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1990
  [Seow] Seow, Choon Leong. A Grammar for Biblical Hebrew. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press. 1995 rev.

    ※ Origin: 信望愛(wbbs.fhl.net) ◆ From:

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