作者: Big(耶穌愛你) 看板: COBS 標題: 希臘文文法 時間: Thu Oct 14 23:37:29 2004 A. 對不起, 我又來灌水, 請版主不要砍掉, 我只是寄放在這裡, 比較安全, B. "Syntax of New Testament Greek" 這本希臘文文法書 很薄, 因為去掉了字型和歷史的討論, 也很詳盡, 附上不少例子, 所以, 我還是喜歡這本書, 雖然有較新的文法書出版, C. 這篇還在翻譯當中, 而且翻譯完, 還有許多要討論的, ======================================================= 聖經希臘文 -- 文法 -- 名詞的格 2004-10-11 初稿 參考資料: "Syntax of New Testament Greek"; James A. Brooks and Carlton L. Winbery; Lanham, MD: University Press of America; 1979 A. 名詞的格, 英文 B. 名詞的格, 中英文 C. 整理篇 G. 希臘文中英名詞對照: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = A. 名詞的格, 英文 1. Nominative a. Subjective, John 1:5 light b. Predicative, Eph. 2:14 (is) peace c. Applelation, John 13:13 (call me) teacher d. Independent, (1) Change, Rev. 3:12 the conquering one (2) Salution, Rom. 1:1 Paul (3) Book title, Revelation (of John) (4) Proverb, 2 Pet. 2:22 dog (5) Exclamations, Mark 3:34 mother (6) Time, Mark 8:2 three days e. Apposition, Rom. 1:1 Paul servant 2. Genitive a. Descrption (adjectival), Rom. 6:6 (body) of-sin b. Possession, Matt. 26:51 his (word) c. Relationship, John 21:15 ((son)) of-John d. Adverbial (1) Time, John11:49 that year (2) Measure, 1 Cor. 6:20 for-price (3) Place, 1 Pet. 1:1 (dispersion) in Pontus (4) Reference, John 1:14 (full)[adjective] of-grace e. With action (1) Subjective, Rom. 8:35 love of-Christ (2) Objective, John 7:13 (fear) of-the Jews f. Apposition, Rom. 4:11 (sign) of-circumcision g. Absolute, Matt. 17:9 (while) their coming down h. Advantage (interest), Col. 4:3 for-the word i. Association (following meta), John 6:66 with him [person] j. Circumstances (following meta), Matt. 24:30 with power [matter] k. Oath (following kata), Matt. 26:63 (adjure) by-God l. Direct object, Luke 15:25 (heard) music 3. Ablative a. Separation, Acts 27:43 from-the plan b. Source, Acts 1:4 (promise) of-the father c. Agency, 1 Cor. 2:13 (taught) by spirit d. Means, 1 Cor. 2:13 by human wisdom e. Comparison, Matt. 3:11 (greater) than-I f. Cause (following anti), Eph. 5:31 because-of this g. Rank (following pro), Jas. 5:12 above all h. Opposition (following kata), Matt. 10:35 against his father i. Purpose (following peri), Rom. 8:3 for sin j. Exchange (following anti), Matt. 2:22 for his father k. Partitive, Rev. 8:7 (a third) of-the-earth 4. Dative a. Indirect object, 1 Cor. 5:9 (write) to you b. Advantage, 1 Cor. 9:19 (enslaved myself) for-all [men] c. Disavantage, Rev. 2:16 against-you [to-you] d. Possession, Mark 2:18 your (disciples) e. Reference or respect, Luke 18:31 (written...) about-the Son f. Direct object, Rom. 8:8 (please) God 5. Locative a. Place, Luke 10:30 (fell) among-thieves b. Time, Matt. 20:19 on-the third day c. Sphere, Matt. 5:3 in-the spirit 6. Instrumental a. Means, Acts 12:2 (killed) with-sword b. Cause, Luke 15:17 (perishing) because-of-famine c. Manner, 1 Cor. 10:30 (partake) with-gratitude d. Measure, Luke 8:27 for-a-long-time e. Association, Luke 15:2 (eats) with-them f. Agency, Luke 23:15 (done) by-him 7. Accusative a. Direct Object, Gal. 4:17 (exclude) you b. Cognate, Mark 4:41 (feared) [a] great fear c. Double, Mark 6:34 (teach) them many [things] d. Adverbial (1) Measure, Matt. 26:39 (gone forward) a-little [way] (2) Manner, Rev. 16:9 (burned) with-great fire (3) Reference, e. Oaths, Acts 19:13 (adjure) by-the Jesus f. Absolute g. Purpose (following eis), John 1:7 for witness h. Result (following eis), Rom. 5:18 into condemnation i. Cause (following preposition), Matt. 3:11 for repentance j. Possession (following kata), Acts 26:3 (customs) of-Jews k. Comparison (following preposition), Matt. 10:37 more-than me l. Relationship (interest), Mark 2:27 (made) for-man m. Predicate (following eis, with verb be), Matt. 19:5 (be) one flesh 8. Vocative = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = B. 名詞的格, 中英文 1. 主格 1. Nominative a. 主詞, 約 1:15 光 a. Subjective, John 1:5 light b. 述詞, 弗 2:14 (是) 和睦 b. Predicative, Eph. 2:14 (is) peace c. 補語, 約 13:13, (叫我) 老師 c. Applelation, John 13:13 (call me) teacher d. 獨立 d. Independent, (1) 改變, 啟 3:12 得勝的 (1) Change, Rev. 3:12 the conquering one (2) 致意, 羅 1:1 保羅 (2) Salution, Rom. 1:1 Paul (3) 書名, (約翰的) 啟示錄 (3) Book title, Revelation (of John) (3) 箴言, 彼後 2:22 狗 (4) Proverb, 2 Pet. 2:22 dog (5) 感嘆, 可 3:34 母親 (5) Exclamations, Mark 3:34 mother (6) 時間, 可 8:2 三天 (6) Time, Mark 8:2 three days e. 同位語, 羅 1:1 保羅 僕人 e. Apposition, Rom. 1:1 Paul servant 2. 所有格 2. Genitive a. 敘述 [形容], 羅 6:6 罪[的](身) a. Descrption [adjectival], Rom. 6:6 (body) of-sin b. 擁有, 太 26:51, 他的 (刀) b. Possession, Matt. 26:51 his (sword) c. Relationship, John 21:15 [son] of-John d. Adverbial (1) Time, John11:49 that year (2) Measure, 1 Cor. 6:20 for-price (3) Place, 1 Pet. 1:1 (dispersion) in Pontus (4) Reference, John 1:14 (full)[adjective] of-grace e. With action (1) Subjective, Rom. 8:35 love of-Christ (2) Objective, John 7:13 (fear) of-the Jews f. Apposition, Rom. 4:11 (sign) of-circumcision g. Absolute, Matt. 17:9 (while) their coming down h. Advantage (interest), Col. 4:3 for-the word i. Association (following meta), John 6:66 with him [person] j. Circumstances (following meta), Matt. 24:30 with power [matter] k. Oath (following kata), Matt. 26:63 (adjure) by-God l. Direct object, Luke 15:25 (heard) music 3. Ablative a. Separation, Acts 27:43 from-the plan b. Source, Acts 1:4 (promise) of-the father c. Agency, 1 Cor. 2:13 (taught) by spirit d. Means, 1 Cor. 2:13 by human wisdom e. Comparison, Matt. 3:11 (greater) than-I f. Cause (following anti), Eph. 5:31 because-of this g. Rank (following pro), Jas. 5:12 above all h. Opposition (following kata), Matt. 10:35 against his father i. Purpose (following peri), Rom. 8:3 for sin j. Exchange (following anti), Matt. 2:22 for his father k. Partitive, Rev. 8:7 (a third) of-the-earth 4. Dative a. Indirect object, 1 Cor. 5:9 (write) to you b. Advantage, 1 Cor. 9:19 (enslaved myself) for-all [men] c. Disavantage, Rev. 2:16 against-you [to-you] d. Possession, Mark 2:18 your (disciples) e. Reference or respect, Luke 18:31 (written...) about-the Son f. Direct object, Rom. 8:8 (please) God 5. Locative a. Place, Luke 10:30 (fell) among-thieves b. Time, Matt. 20:19 on-the third day c. Sphere, Matt. 5:3 in-the spirit 6. Instrumental a. Means, Acts 12:2 (killed) with-sword b. Cause, Luke 15:17 (perishing) because-of-famine c. Manner, 1 Cor. 10:30 (partake) with-gratitude d. Measure, Luke 8:27 for-a-long-time e. Association, Luke 15:2 (eats) with-them f. Agency, Luke 23:15 (done) by-him 7. Accusative a. Direct Object, Gal. 4:17 (exclude) you b. Cognate, Mark 4:41 (feared) [a] great fear c. Double, Mark 6:34 (teach) them many [things] d. Adverbial (1) Measure, Matt. 26:39 (gone forward) a-little [way] (2) Manner, Rev. 16:9 (burned) with-great fire (3) Reference, e. Oaths, Acts 19:13 (adjure) by-the Jesus f. Absolute g. Purpose (following eis), John 1:7 for witness h. Result (following eis), Rom. 5:18 into condemnation i. Cause (following preposition), Matt. 3:11 for repentance j. Possession (following kata), Acts 26:3 (customs) of-Jews k. Comparison (following preposition), Matt. 10:37 more-than me l. Relationship (interest), Mark 2:27 (made) for-man m. Predicate (following eis, with verb be), Matt. 19:5 (be) one flesh 8. Vocative = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = C. 整理篇 1. 名詞就位置而言:(1)做句子的主詞或述詞(或補語),(2)前接介詞,(3)接名詞或動詞。 2. 名詞 (a)就基本作用有:(1)主詞,(2)受詞,(3)補語,(4)形容詞,(5)副詞。 (b)就修飾對象而言:(1)做動詞的主詞或受詞,(2)做修飾動詞或句子的副詞, (3)做主詞的補語,(4)做修飾名詞的形容詞。 (c)如果介詞或動詞接特定格的名詞就產生特定的意思,那麼真正要處理名詞只有: (1)做副詞修飾動詞的名詞,(2)做形容詞修飾名詞的名詞。 ,,,,, ======================================================= G. 希臘文中英名詞對照: noun 名詞 verb 動詞 declension 格變式 Conjunation 變化 Case 格 Principle part 主要部 Nominative 主格 Primary tense 今將系統 Genitive 所有格 Secondary tense 往昔系統 Dative 間接受格 Tense 時態 Accusative 直接受格 Present 現在式 Vocative 呼格 Imperfect 過去不完成式 Number 數 Future 未來式 Singular 單數 1st aorist 第一簡單過去式 Plural 複數 2nd aorist 第二簡單過去式 Gender 性 Perfect 現在完成式 Masculine 陽性 Pluperfect 過去完成式 Feminine 陰性 Voice 語態 Neuter 中性 Active 主動語態 Pronoun 代名詞 Middle 關身語態 Demonstrative 指示代名詞 Passive 被動語態 Personal 人稱代名詞 Mood 語氣 Reflexive 反身代名詞 Indicative 直說語氣 Reciprocal 互相代名詞 Subjunctive 假設語氣 Relative 關係代名詞 Imperative 命令語氣 Preposition 介詞 Infinitive 不定詞 Adverb 副詞 Participle 分詞 Conjunction 連接詞 Person 人稱 negative 否定詞 Deponent 被動形主動意 Stem 字幹 關身形主動意 ending 字尾 Augment 往昔號 Reduplication 重複號 Contract verb 縮略動詞 Liquid verb 流音動詞 -- ※ Origin: 信望愛(wbbs.fhl.net) ◆ From:
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
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