Friday, September 28, 2012

b1829 RE:選擇 (To Big) Thinking #1823

AM 01:46:12-2000/3/4

>>Read Romans 1-6.
>>Though some think "信" of "因信稱義" was to be emphased,
>>I think it is influenced by the protest of Martin Luther.
>>I think "(稱)義" of "因信稱義" was to be emphased in the Romans.
>>It is about how we are justified through faith INTO CHRIST
>>ratherthan how we are justified through FAITH ALONE.
>>Of course, I do not ignore the importance of faith.

A life after sanctification in Romans
The need to be justified in Romans 1-6


Believers in Rome


The Christian life in the way of obedience to the Lord
different from Judaism in Romans
The sin and justification in Romans 1-6


I mean the post-justified life
rather than justification.
The faith of "因信稱義" part was discussed in chapters 2-5 (even only 3-4).
The most part of Romans discussed the life and grace of believers,
and the "因信稱義" part was discussed in chapter 3-5, later 9, and middle 10.
"信" and "因信稱義" are not the main theme of Romans
but they are critical.

>>Since the issue of predestination and free will was raised here,
>我實在看不出保羅在這裏想要raise the issue of predestination and free will

Sorry, "here", I mean, is this discussion area of theology and Bible.
Besides, I do not think, either,
that Paul discussed predestination and free will in Romans.
I cited a Romans passage for total depravity.

>>I have tried to find a passage to support the concept
>>"Man may freely decide to choose or accept the salvation of Jesus."
>>However, I have not found any.

It seems apparent in the most part of NT,
and even in Romans.


1. The funny thing is the fact
that in NT the presdestination and election
are said to BELIEVERS only.
2. Regarding the sovereignty of God
it seems apparent in Rom. 9 and 11
(especially Rom. 11:25-29;
cf. Rev. 6:11; 7:4 if necessary).


There is no such a argument in the Bible.


"這段經文" is Rom. 1-6?
Anyway, the answer is no
because Romans was not to discuss presdetination.
There is a little bit of predestination in Romans 11
regarding the election of Israel
and the election within Israel.


Freedom implies no being bound.
Man is expected to have freedom
out of the slavery of sin
in (or into) righteousness.

>>Either is a statement for the opposite thought found.
>>(I do not like to make this statement here in public,
>>but I hope to learn more here
>>in order to change such a statement if it is wrong.)
>>I need a passage of a clear claim
>>that man may CAUSE his FAITH to happen
>>rather than that man may make his faith.

..... (more in the next reply)

>羅3:22 就是神的義,因信耶穌基督加給一切相信的人,並沒有分別。
>25 神設立耶穌作挽回祭,是憑著耶穌的血,藉著"人的信",要顯明神的義;因為他用忍耐的心寬容人先時所犯的罪,

..... (see the next reply)


You got it.
What I want to tell you is
that regarding your attempt
you "是在討論這樣問題的經文.又試著從中得到答案.結果你當然找不到.或得到不是聖經想說的答案" because "我看不出來它的重要性,也看不出來聖經想要討論它".

For instance,
Should we discuss
what technolony made possible the incarnation of Jesus?
Not important?
The incarnation of Jesus might be fake
because it would be impossible,
and the why should we believe in Jesus.

>>Or a passage to claim
>>that the Holy Spirit or God CHANGES someone's mind to BELIEVE.
>>So far you have not submitted one
>>that is clear enough for your position.

So do you.
Please just tell me
how the one
who is bound under the power of sin
and tends to sin against God
could turn to God and resurrend.

Ok, God gave free will to man,
and so man might choose without God's influence (Gen 2:16-17),
but God did not promise no influence of sin and desire (Gen 3:1,6).
Now man is bound under the power of sin after the fall of Adam
(Rom 5:12; 6:18,20; cf. Rom 7:20,24),
that free will becomes the bound will.

>>For instance,
>>your exegesis on Ephesians 2:8 was not quite correct.
>>In Greek text
>>it talks about the cause of personal salvation (cf. #1775).
>>The cause of salvation by faith in grace is the gift of God,
>>this is, the salvation is given by God,
>>or, the salvation is out of God.
>>There is nothing about the faith of salvation
>>but the salvation of faith.

Please do some homework.
Please see my posted messages #1775 and #1782.


I said I do not ignore faith,
but you ignore my question.
The (mentioned) issue is
where the faith results from, free will or inspired will,
even though the faith will result in salvation.

>弗1:13 你們既聽見真理的道,就是那叫你們得救的福音,也信了基督,既然信他,就受了所應許的聖靈為印記。
>弗1:19 並知道他向我們這"信的人"所顯的能力是何等浩大
>弗3:12 "我們"因"信"耶穌,就在他裏面放膽無懼,篤信不疑的來到神面前。
>弗3:17 使基督因"你們的信",住在你們心裏,叫你們的愛心有根有基,
>>In English (most of them) or Chinese (Ho-Ho-Ben) translation
>>it seems that the faith is given by God.
>>Then it will stand against your position.

In the case of reference to the original language text,
you may quote a wrong passage.
Eph. 2:8 is bout salvation and grace
instead of salvation and faith.
Eph 2:8 is irrelated to your position,
and even you may lose your position in Eph 2:8.

>>It is difficult to explain a doctrine with a chapter of Scripture.
>>>>the total depravity of all mankind.
>>Rom. 7:20 (or, 7:17-20)

Yes, Rom 7:7 is the key verse.

>>>>All human beings are controlled
>>>>only by either sin or God.
>>Rom. 7:23-25
>>>>You do bad because of sin.
>>>>You do good because of God only.
>>(Rom. 7:25)
>>>>You never decide by yourself.
>>Rom. 7:23-25
>>Man would not do or think any good (Gen. 6:21; Rom. 3:10-19)

The righteous (before God) is not equal the perfect (in deeds).
How about the King David, or the God man Moses?

>Rom 3:10-19是指全世界每一個個人嗎?



but some of them shed blood,
and some sin in different ways listed in Rom. 3:13-17.


There are two questions:
1. who decide if the person is righteous.
You, myself, God, or someone else?
2. if the righteous never sin
(in their life or after justified).
How about Jesus' saying: none good but God (Matt. 19:17)

The structure of Rom. 3:10-18 accroding to 保羅引用的出處 is:
3:10-12 -- Introductory proposition
3:13-17 -- The examples of sin
3:18 -- Conclusion


Rom 3:19-20 following 3:10-18 concludes 3:10-18
and makes全然敗壞 clear (cf. Rom 2:13-15 if necessary).

>>without the help or interruption of God.

It is not the issue of if man can or will reject,
but if God allows man to reject.

>>>>The passages you listed are the external visible result
>>>>of being controlled totally,
>>"Wish or will" is not euqal to "choose or decide".
>>"Do" is the sivible part of choice.

Man is allowed to choose.
Man is expected to choose right.
Man might be willing to choose right.
However, the truth is that man cannot choose right.

The passages you quoted are of the external visible results
because the fact is ignored
regarding fighting the sin within man and failing.


Do you mean
that any certain word was said in the quoted passage
or that any certain meaning was expressed in that passage?

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