Monday, September 17, 2012

a2545 RE:#2526,改革宗的老祖宗--加爾文所幹下的壞事

2002/5/22 上午 07:48:06

There are two version of 審訊塞爾維特:
(a) 加爾文 asked 市行政會 to 審訊塞爾維特;
(b) 市行政會ignored the ojection of 加爾文, and insisted to 審訊塞爾維特;

塞爾維特 died for his belief: "不信預定論、不信三位一體、不信基督的神性、不信嬰兒洗、不信因信稱義 、泛神論".

"John Calvin的教導和行事,在基督徒中是可以受公評的。"

加爾文 is not the 改革宗的老祖宗, but most reformers of different denominations adopted his theology and exegesis instead of being taught by 加爾文. 加爾文 was encouraged to write down the theology from the true meaning of the Bible, and then 加爾文 must interpret the Bible in turn. 加爾文 did not do it because of his vision, but in response to others' request.

The theology of 加爾文 can be simply described as the divine sovereignty of God. The exegesis of 加爾文 is a kind of rigid literal interpretation. 

Though 加爾文 supported 以經解經, for 加爾文 the former 經 is a passage which is clearly by itself in order to interpret the latter 經. Today's 以經解經 has entered a dead end: 
(a) 以經B解經A, but it is assumed that people have done 以經C解經B, and 以經D解經C, ..., sometimes in the end 以經A解經Z.
(b) 以經B解經A, and it is assumed that 經A should be meant in the context of 經B.

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