Thursday, September 20, 2012

b1837 RE:RE:RE:選擇 (To Big) Thinking #1823

上午 09:05:25-2000/3/4

>>Besides, I do not think, either,
>>that Paul discussed predestination and free will in Romans.
>>I cited a Romans passage for total depravity.
>BIG說的到讓我想到一個問題﹕保羅(眾聖經作者), 不應該
>說是“神”在寫聖經的時候, 他說的是“揀選”還是“自
>由意志”﹖還是在祂裡面根本沒有這兩件事. 這兩件事是

This statement is kind of right.
elecetion is mentioned in Ephesians 1,
but nothing about free will in the Bible regarding salvation.

though there is election,
what kind of election is it?


What about this?
Sorry, I forgot.

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