Thursday, September 20, 2012

b1856 RE:Big (1852)...(2)

上午 03:26:48-2000/3/7

>BIG 兄^^
>1. Will a believer not sin again as a perfect person after conversion?
>會! (不過第一, there is no perfect person except Jesus Christ^^)但是這不
>持您“However, the truth is that man cannot choose right.”的論點. 如果我

My original consideration of the above statement is
"man cannot choose God under bondage of sin".
Before one agree the God is the very God,
whatever the person does or thinks is nothing to God.
The center of Christian beliefs is
to live for God
more than do right for myself.

>仔細看羅馬七, 八. 裡面有兩次“立志”(will & mind). 第一次是在7:15-7:22.
>這個立志的結果是我(魂)被肉體裡面的罪與死的律擄去(7:23). 雖然我被肉體
>擄去, 但是, “我”還是順從神的律呢﹗第二次是在8:5. 這回人比較好些. 你
>可以體貼(心思置於, 見KJV)肉體或靈. 人從一個100%幾率敗仗的情況被遷移
>到“有機會”打勝仗的情況. 他的一個分界線在8:1-2. 保羅給“在基督裡”
>下的定義是有生命之靈的內住. 在接收耶穌基督作生命之靈住到我裡面以前
>, 我可以立志, “選擇”行善, 但是我“行不出來”.的(因為我的心思除了“
>肉體”外, 沒有地方可置(沒有歸宿)) 但是在接受耶穌基督作我的主後, 我被
>釋放出來. 我“可以選擇”把我的心思“置”於肉體, 或靈. 而“行”出不同

I once mentioned that
there is no concept
of how a person turns to believe
in Romons (or the Bible)
(by choice or inspiration?).

Rom. 7-8 contrast two different scenes
BEFORE and AFTER serving God.

>2. Will a believe lose eternal life or personal salvation as soon as committing
>請見精華版小弟“(791)神【完整的】救恩 -”一文

It is gone (deleted).
"貼文已刪除!請另閱讀其他貼文!! "

>3. Do you think if a Israelite in OT was saved by choosing God, or by circumcision
>according to the covanent made by God himself?
>The ENTIRE Isreal RACE is saved and choosen by God. But EACH Israelite's
>fate in front of God is depend on if he/she (choose to) obey God' Law or
>not. For example, an Israleite male adult wil be stoned to death if he
>does not receive the circumcision at the age.
>This is the spirit of the law and salvation. God has done this, then you
>HAVE to keep/do this, OTHERWISE.........

Good saying. God chose the entire race of Israel.
I think
an Israelite was saved by the individual trust
as Abraham did in Gen . 15:6.

>4. What purpose was the term "choose" (or "select," "elect") implied when
>the term was applied to the context of these cited verses? For slavation,
>or obedience?
>To me, Choose is implies to God has prepare everything for us, and we DO
>NOT have to do anything in order to obtain our "salvation". And brings
>us to his accomplishement. Then, we have to co-ordinate with God by choosing
>him as our saviour (obedience) or reject him and go on our own way (dis-obedience)
>^^ Old Fisherman ----

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