Thursday, September 20, 2012

d433 RE:RE:RE:

AM 02:38:33-1999/12/24

>Yeah.Thank you for your advices.
>I would like to let you know, I have no choice to live with them. I came to the U.S. myself, I just could only live with them. I have once thought about that I must left, but where could I go?
>And then, I think it's my duty to help him. If only I have the chance to help somebody out of crime, why don't I help him?

Christians should help each other, but they do it in the team work instead of the way of Lone Ranger (Mong2-Mian4 Du2-Sing2-Sia2). Especially, all three of you do not live alone in the wood. Furthermore, you are a little female, and the other is an adult male. We do not recommend that a single female and a single male work together unless they are a couple. If your uncle is less than 50 years old, I won't count hs is an old aged but still a mature adult. By the way, don't they have any child? Or their children are grown and left home already?

>About my aunt, I think she know somthings about it even nobody told her. Once, she told me to be careful about him. But she never talked anything about that to me again. Just like what I do, she always hide something in her mind. I don't know how to told her all the things, it's too hard to express, especially for me, a shy girl.

How can you help your uncle if your are a shy girl? I am impressed by your courage, but I would like to suggest you to ask for help, and let adults to help adults. If you insist your decision, please make a goal with your uncle: having a consistent time to read the Bible and pray together. Let God use His own word to help both of you.

The meaning of being a Christian is to identify one's own sin status, confess it, repent from it toward God, and commit one's whole life to God and with God. No one is perfect, but we should help each other to fight sin without excuse. To help others is to let shine the glory of God instead of self-sacrifice in the dark.

>Even if that, I still believe that if there are no body to help me, God would do. I remember a pastor alawys say that if we do things in our own way, especial when we are in trouble, God would never work; If we give all the things to God, he would do much better than we do.

Beside lefting a request to God, it is better to know God's will and style. He wants people to depende on Him and also invite Him as the meditator.

>Tomorrow, I'll come back. Yeah, I think I should refuse him if he still wants to do something with me. And I must let God to teach me how to slove it.

I hope you still have chance to read this message I wrote.

Not just REFUSE, but also RUN AWAY. Can't you have your friends or classmates come over to your house? Don't be shy. Don't be shy to the right things, but to the sin. You are going to turn an adult, you need to learn how to change and what to be, and you need develop your social life (I don't mean to be a social person) to share and care.

>Whish that if anybody see my messages, please pray for me.
>May God bless you.

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